Keysight Threat Simulator





Keysight Threat Simulator delivers both foresight and insight

We provide intuitive software that can be operated by almost any IT or security team member, enhancing the capabilities of your security team so they can offload some of their work onto our automated tool and focus on high-priority, high-touch security issues. Usually, a SecOps team spends most of their time in the SIEM, sifting through logs, meaning they see attacks only in the rear-view mirror. But Threat Simulator can train the SIEM to do this work automatically, faster, and more accurately. In turn, you can use Threat Simulator to train your SecOps personnel to deal with attacks before they happen. This allows your organization to redirect resources to more important tasks and get more value out of your security budget. Because it delivers both foresight and insight, Threat Simulator creates disproportionate benefit for your security operations — making your network a lot more secure for a relatively small investment.

We support your priority risk mitigation, issuing urgent updates in response to new threats. This enables you to respond immediately to new high-risk threats, something that would otherwise take many skilled red-team resources to do.

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