January 2023

Three biggest pet peeves...

CASSY MEISENHEIMER Not replacing a trash bag, unfinished water bottles, and litter

TERRI SANDEFUR Talking on the phone, visual clutter, and alarm clocks

SHELBY AKIN Dry mouth on a mic, side conversations, and loud ringtones

KARA HUMPHREY Loud chewing, lipstick on teeth, and silent letters

LEAH ORR Unaware slow walkers, birds, and double dipping

BRITT EARNEST Speaker phone in public, staying up late, and vagueness

BRITTANY ROBLES Cabinet doors left open, people who clap when the plane lands, and people who don’t use a blinker

MATT CORNELIUS Kids who are allowed to disrespect their parents, sticky salt and pepper shakers, and women who don’t put the toilet seat up when they’re finished

CHRISTI HERRINGTON Weeds in my flowerbeds,

BAILEY GRAVITT People who drive too close, bad customer service, and small talk

TERRI GRAVITT People who smile while telling you bad news, kids playing loud games on phones in restaurants, and empty milk cartons put back in the fridge

MEGAN GRIFFIN Slow walkers, people who get in your personal

empty ice trays, and forgetting to put the trash out for pickup

space while having a conversation, and disorganization

KAILYN WILLIAMS Tapping sounds, people who complain about things they can control, and people who pull out in front of me!

TIFFANY HORTON Bad drivers, dirty dishes left in the sink, and people who don’t return their shopping carts to the cart return

DR. CHARLES JORDAN When people leave water running, people who park over the line, and cruelty

EMILY SARINE People who laugh at their own jokes… LOL!, dirty laundry left 6" from the hamper, and humidity



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