J. Sabo - December 2019

‘The End of Alzheimer’s’ By Dale Bredesen

Ah, winter break! Your kids are enjoying a few days away from school, and you’re busy making last-minute preparations for holiday parties and trips. As the holidays wear on and your kids become a little more restless, you may find you’re in need of just a little more “me time.”

Memory loss conditions are devastating, but Dr. Dale Bredesen’s work offers patients, their families, and future generations hope. Dr. Bredesen dives into the inner workings of the disease to uncover options for preventing and reversing the effects Alzheimer’s has on patients and potential patients.

Relax and unwind this holiday season with some of Dr. Sabo’s favorite books!

‘Untangled’ by Lisa Damour

‘GOPex: Good Oral Posture Exercises’ by Dr. Sandra Kahn and Dr. Simon Wong

As a woman and the mom of a daughter, Dr. Sabo knows how complicated life can be for teenage girls. Lisa Damour offers parents an in-depth guide to raising teenage daughters, offering seven tips for understanding this transition and raising a strong girl through her teens.

Dr. Sandra Kahn and Dr. Simon Wong have compiled techniques for improving oral health. This book includes oral health exercises that strengthen the integrity of the mouth and encourage your little one’s face and jaw to grow properly.

Brain Break!

‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear

‘ Why We Sleep’ by Matthew Walker

As you prepare to head off into the new year, set yourself up for success with a little help from author James Clear. You will learn about the science of breaking habits and creating healthier, longer-lasting ones. With stories from celebrities, athletes, and highly successful people, you will feel motivated to make habitual changes you can stick to. If you pick up any of these five books, we’d love to hear from you! Let Dr. Sabo know if you have a book you think she would enjoy, too.

Ever wonder why we lay in a comatose state for 6–8 hours every night? Matthew Walker breaks it all down in this innovative guide. Learn more about how sleep can impact your mood, productivity, and learning ability. In addition, Walker explains the long-term effects of sleep, such as preventing Alzheimer’s and increasing longevity.

Relax This Winter With 5 of Dr. Sabo’s Book Recommendations


When the clock strikes midnight on Jan. 1, 2020, the dental benefits you have been paying for all year will disappear. Use up your benefits before you lose them this year. Call Dr. Sabo’s office at 951.769.1616 to schedule your last appointment of 2019. See you soon! Your Dental Benefits Are About to Expire!


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