Best of Touring Spring:Summer 2023 IG

Imagine the scene. It’s dawn, and the blood red sun rises over the silhouettes of flat-topped Acacia trees in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park. The safari truck stops. Ahead is a herd of elephants, led by a matriarch with playful babies scampering alongside.

Or you’re on an Arctic expedition ship as the captain interrupts lunch to make a surprise announcement. You head out on deck, cheeks tingling in the crisp air. Set against the backdrop of a shimmering glacier is the spine-tingling sight of a majestic polar bear hunting for food. Nothing beats the thrill of seeing wild creatures in their natural environment; it’s like stepping into your own nature documentary. We’re here to put you in that picture with our wildlife tours and set the scene for some animal magic. In the Galapagos, the astonishingly biodiverse volcanic archipelago off Ecuador, mammals, birds and reptiles have no fear of humans. You’ll snorkel alongside sea lions, tropical penguins and turtles and capture incredible close-up shots of dragon-like golden iguanas, dazzling blue-footed boobies and giant tortoises.

Maybe your wish list includes spotting Africa’s big five, tracking a royal Bengal tiger in India, seeing sloths in Costa Rica or looking for mountain gorillas Uganda’s ethereal rainforests? We’ve got a tour for you. We work with respected wildlife tour operators to deliver unforgettable experiences with a strong focus on sustainable travel and supporting local communities. Many tours showcase smaller, uncrowded private game reserves and at night you’ll return to comfortable lodges and wilderness camps to swap tales around a crackling campfire. All itineraries operate to strict ethical guidelines and don’t include any activities or interactions where animals could be harmed by the presence of visitors.

WILD SIDE Take a walk on the 19

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