Q. Fresno, Calif. "What is man's responsibility when he kills another person during time of war? What Scriptures would apply?" A. One of the first concepts in the Old Testament has Cod reminding us that we are to do everything possible to avert a confrontation. Sometimes, however, the foe can not be turned aside. War is not contrary to the message of the Lord Jesus Christ. Suppose a foreign country should subvert our nation, ordering all Bibles destroyed and meetings for worship outlawed. We would have to obey God rather than man in such a situation. If the Gospel is involved, that comes first! If such is not the issue then Romans 13:1-7 would prevail. There must be proper submission to authority, otherwise there would be chaos. A poor government is far better than anarchy. Read this passage which shows that there are instances when we must bear arms for our country. This does not refer to the com mandment, "Thou shalt not kill," for that is more properly, "Thou shalt do no murder." They may try to take capital punishment off the statute books, but it is still very def initely on God's books. There is a judgmental taking of life. These are exactly the same principles pertain ing to police who must maintain law on a local level. Armies are a national police force in time of war. May Cod make us the best possible citizens for the glory of Christ that any country could ever know. Q. Sun Valley, Calif. "I am a born- again Christian but I have fallen deeply in love with a member of a false cult. My convictions tell me I should break off with him but my heart tells me to witness to him. What should I do?" Page 27
Christ did not say, "As Jonah died and was three days and three nights in the belly of the fish." He simply pointed out, "As Jonah was three days and three nights." Except for the time element of three days and three nights all else is dissimilar between Jonah and our Lord. Jonah is really a type of the nation of Is rael. It would have been natural for Jonah to die in the fish, but the mir acle came in that he was preserved. Also note that a whale is not indi cated in this passage. This fish was prepared by Cod (1:17). Do not compare this to instances of men who may have been swallowed by some great sperm whale. The mir acle is Cod doing something out side the realm of nature. While there are a number of miracles in this thrilling account, the greatest of all is that the whole cityjof Nine veh was saved through the preach ing of this man. There has never been anything like it in the history of revival. Q. Long Beach, Calif. "Will men tally ill people be held responsible by Cod for what they say and do?" A. The Word of Cod does not spe cifically take into account the con dition of the mentally ill. We do know that if they have not come to the age of accountability mentally, they are most certainly covered by the blood of Christ since they re main as little children in their in tellect and understanding. Cod is completely just and will not con demn anyone who has no human power to understand. Our total concept of an infinitely wise and infinitely loving heavenly Father al most demands this and we rejoice therein.
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