brought to the master for an audit. This caused the steward natural concern th inking he might be stripped of his job, having to go into some menial task. To protect himself he sought to build up a tre mendous file of those who would recommend him just in case. This is why he is called the "unjust stew ard." He was taking liberties with the true accounts from his previous work to build his reputation. He contacted each of his master's debt ors and offered cut-rate prices if They would pay what was owed. The incentives of lesser amounts was readily discernable. Seeing these bargains those who owed money began coming through with their loan fulfillments. While our Lord does not condemn the man He does point out, "The sons of this age are in their generation wiser than the sons of light." Money is called filthy lucre because all too often it is gotten unrighteously. It is the love of it, not what it can do, which is the root of all evil. Christ was teaching that we should use our funds for a lasting purpose which could bring honor to Him. When you get to glory you will find those there whom you have helped through your stewardship. This is the only proper way to use that with which the Lord has entrusted us. It is the only basis upon which we would ever have the affrontery to ask you to invest, yes, and even to sacrifice, for the ongoing work of God here at Biola. Q. Fresno, Calif. "In Hebrews 9:27 it states that it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgment. If man is to die only once, what about those whom Christ raised from the dead, such as Lazarus?"
BIOLA COLLEGE IS THE ON E ... Where every student takes a Bible major as well as an academ ic major. Where every student goes out to serve the Lord each week. Where YOU can have a vital part in the students’ ministry NOW and in their preparation for FUTURE service. As you share in Biola’s ministry, the BIOLA BROADCASTER will be mailed to you as a special gift each month. Yes, I want to share in your work through The Biola Fellowship. I will pray for Biola and, as the Lord enables me, I will endeavor to give as indicated. $ .... 25 10 5 3 2 1 M o n th ly □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Q u a rte rly □ □ □ □ S em i-A n n ua lly □ □ □ A n n u a lly □ □ Please use m y g ift fo r: Cam pus D e velo p m e n t □ S tu d e n t A id □ Radio □ G eneral Fun d □ Mr. Mrs. Miss............................................................... Address.................................. ..................... City.................... State.................. Zip.......... Send to: Biola College Stewardship Dept. 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, Calif. 90638 In Canada: Biola Association of Canada P.0. Box 3013, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
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