(67-70 A.D.). He gives us from an "outside of the Bible" source much of the history of the Jewish nation. His material is excellent back ground and proven from many standpoints to be very reliable. Certainly do not look to him for doctrine. HIS WONDERFUL SPIRIT I felt His spirit near me And my heart began to pound Although His size was great indeed He came close without a sound. My knees felt all so shaky My hands were trembling, too But then as He touched my soul My heart deep within me knew This so-called living spirit Is truly the Saviour Divine And as He took away my sins, I knew He was really mine His voice I heard within me And He spoke so soft and sweet; I knew no one more wonderful Would I ever chance to meet And when that Day approaches; When I see His lovely face I will praise my God forever For His wonderful, wonderful Grace.
Q. San Bernardino, Calif. "Where is 'slaying in the spirit' found in the Bible? My friends say this experi ence gives them tremendous per sonal peace and that unless I have experienced it I am not filled with the Spirit." A. We understand that a few churches practice this. From what we understand goes on, these ac tivities do seem incongruous with the Holy Spirit's ministry. Some times we have known of the Lord dealing severely with people such as with Baalam and Saul. He does this in a radical way because of the life and conduct of the one with whom He seeks to work. This quo tation you have given is not from the Bible. Rather than "slaying in the Spirit" we should be concerned with "praying in the Spirit." Q. San Diego, Calif. "Who is Jo sephus and where did he get all the information contained in the book he wrote?" A. He was born in Jerusalem, ap parently around 37 or 38 A.D. He died early in the second century, around 110 or 120 A.D. His father belonged to the priestly aristocracy and at 16 he was a member of the "essenes." Evidentally these were the people who buried the so- called Dead Sea scrolls found around 1948. At one time Josephus was governor of Gaililee. All else related to Josephus is not known. His books are recognized as very authoritative. His full name was Flavius Josephus and he came from a wealthy and learned family. He is an interesting source of informa tion not only in tracing the rise of Christianity but also for the dissolu tion of the commonwealth of Israel
—Betty Human
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