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Future Biola students Jenny Chase (I.) and Laura Cook. Jenny's father is Dr. Chase, Biola's President, and Laura is the daughter of Clyde Cook, Director of Missions.
the matter of trials in our daily exis tence. There are some wonderfully prac tical words for us concerning the Christian life in the book of James. It was written to the Jews who were scattered throughout the world af ter the stoning of Stephen and the following persecution (1:1; Acts 7- 8:3). The background of this epistle is one of terrible tragedy in the lives of people. There was perplexity as to why God would allow such things to come. They had experi enced a complete disruption of the life to which they had formerly been accustomed. It is because of these trials that James, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, di
We are to look to Cod in faith for the necessary wisdom to under stand our position amid tribula tions. Are we willing to accept whatever comes? It may be that we will be brought low or perhaps ev en be elevated. In either case we accept these things as from Cod's hand. There is a very real need to be encouraged. Living under such conditions with patience will bring God's approval and the bestowal of the crown of life. Such things can cause us to understand God's pur poses in all the affairs of life. May the Lord add to your own life a new enriching that comes be cause of understanding what He says as to how we should cope with P a g e 3 8
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