K Study in
What causes dissension between Christians? Why do Christians di vide themselves in little groups and then fight among themselves? There may be a good many rea sons that we could come up with, but I suspect that Paul's message in I Corinthians embraces the very heart of this problem. With constant pressure and re peated emphasis, Paul focuses on two major reasons in the first three chapters. As carnal or immature Christians, they think only of them selves; as ignorant Christians they live in semi-darkness and are con stantly making mistakes. These
problems of immaturity and ignor ance will be seen throughout I Corinthians. At times they will be related to or augmented by other subjects or problems that exist within that particular fellowship. But, they persist. In I Corinthians, chapter 4, their ignorance is evi dent. Paul must inform them on how the Christian teacher or lead er ought to conduct himself. Verses 1 and 2 read, "Let a man so account of us, as of the minis ters of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of Cod. Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful."
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