Coerco's Product Catalogue

Above Ground ATU Systems Wastewater Systems

Above Ground ATU



Advanced Above-Ground commercial ATU system. Heavy-Duty Industrial Polyethylene Tanks. Plug- and-play design with all tanks and components and pre-assembled for ease of installation. Low maintenance. Lightweight.

O-2 6-30KL

This is a more advanced Aquarius® Aerated Wastewater Treatment system. Above-Ground. With anaerobic, aerobic, clarification, flocculation, and discharge. Nutrient Retentive (Phosporous removal)


This system is an even more advanced Aquarius® Aerated Wastewater Treatment system. Above- Ground. With anaerobic, aerobic, clarification, flocculation, disinfection (Utilising ozone) and discharge. Nutrient Retentive (Phosporous removal). Environmentally Friendly


Coerco | Wastewater Systems

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