Sixth Form Lectures
An engineering talk on the world of electronic engineering from Dr Matthew Bryan, an Electronic Engineering lecturer in micro- and nano-electronics at Royal Holloway really inspired our students. Year 12 student Hisha said; “We learnt a lot about the history of data storage and also took a look at real life floppy disks! We were very curious about how the disks worked and how far the electronic sector has come in the last 40 years. Matthew was also able to showcase an actual hard drive that was open for the students to explore and learn about how the original hardware worked, paving the path for today’s software to excel. It was very insightful about the range of careers available in engineering.”
BGC Partners gave students a fascinating insight into the world of financial services. Not only did this help the students understand the breadth of the industry but it also provided them with insight into the importance of culture, the competitiveness of business and how they can start to build their career foundation today by developing their soft skills and gaining work experience.
Dr James Lesslie who teaches the Gothic Cultures module at St Mary’s University and Romanticism at City, University of London, gave a thought - provoking talk to our sixth form students. Year 13 students Francesca L and Olive T said: “Lesslie linked 19th century political events, the Gothic genre, feminism and other contextual topics to Frankenstein. It was interesting to hear Lesslie’s interpretations of Frankenstein which were fuelled by detailed contemporary context, and links to The Handmaid’s Tale (which we compare at A-Level). Moreover, it was useful to be given the opportunity to experience a university style lecture ahead of post A-Level plans!”
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