Carel Kruger CEO
Being AWAKE and being carriers of HOPE is what we do at INUKA. Celebrating with our 2,912 achievers in Pretoria and East London was incredible. Every time we come together, I am simply in awe of the unity, the love shown, and the pure joy expressed during our Sales Quarter gatherings. It is a privilege to be able to honour and celebrate you, our Members' lives, and personal success stories. Hope is not an elusive feeling that we only talk about. Jointly as one INUKA community, now more than ever, we need to be intentional and proactive in choosing to be the hope in Africa, the hope in our communities, and the hope for our families. We do this by: Dream it – Setting goals: small goals, big goals. Small goals represent one step forward towards our ultimate dream. What is the ONE thing you can put your sights on that will demonstrate movement ?
Do it – Pathways. What are the different avenues you can take towards your short-term and long-term goals ? What is standing in your way ? What can you do to overcome these challenges ? Live it – Believe you can. By doing, you will build the belief that you can make a difference. You can be the difference. Doing it builds confidence; every step you take builds belief that you can implement the pathways to achieve your ultimate goal. As INUKA leaders, our circle of influence is greater than our circle of concern. Therefore, we are responsible for acting on what we can control, instilling hope in those around us by planting seeds of dreams, influencing for action, and guiding our teams through different pathways. That's how we build on a movement of hope.
Keep making a difference,
Carel Kruger
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