البيروقراطية الإدارية وآليات التدبير السياسي في اليابان

Khan , Haroon . An Introduction to Public Administration , University press of American , U . S . A ., 2008 . Kingston , Jeff . Contemporary Japan , History , Politics and Social Change Since 1980s , A John Wiley & Sons Ltd Publication , U . S . A , 2011 . Koh , B . C . Japan ’ s Administrative Elite , ( University of California Press - Berkeley , Lose Angeles , 1991 . Kornicki , Peter . Meiji Japan political , Economic , and social history 19681912 -, Rutledge , London – New York , 1998 . Kosaka , Masataka . 100 Million Japanese : The Postwar Experience , Tokyo Kodansha International , 1972 . Kuroda , Yasumasa . The Core of Japanese Democracy Latent Interparty Politics , Palgrave Macmillan , U . S . A ., 2005 . Kushida , Kenji and Lipscy , Philip . The Politic Transition and Governance , Walter H . Shorenstein Asia - Pacific Research Center - Stanford University , 2013 . Magstadt , Thomas . Nations and Governments – Comparative Politics in Regional Perspective , Wadsworth Gengage Learning , U . S . A , 2011 . Matsui , Shigenori . The Constitution Of Japan A Contextual Analysis , Hart Publishing , U . S . A ., 2011 . Merton , Robert . Social Theory and Social Structure , Free Press , New York , 1968 . Michaels , Robert . Political Parties A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy , Translated Eden Cedar Paul , Transaction Publishers , New Brunswick and London , 1999 . Miki , John . Government and Politics in Japan - The Road of Democracy , Frederick A . Praeger , New York , 1962 . Morita K . and Chen , Yun . Transition Development and Globalization China and central Europe , World Scientific , London , 2010 .


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