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04 Mining & Mineral Processing

Mining & Mineral Processing 05

“We see too often, the wrong feeder and

O?NAAJEJCIA@E=łPPA@EJPKKQN Vibrating Screens, which literally chews up their life-span. Through consultation, our Engineers can easily prevent that”. Paul Donovan,

Schenck Process Global Engineer



We’re here to help you achieve recovery of the highest purity. Economically, LNKłP=>HU=J@ABł?EAJPHU Partnering with a supplier of mineral processing equipment needs to be a long-term relationship. That’s why our teams are full entrenched into the belief that our solutions are an investment, which we must help clients to achieve the best possible results from, over the longest conceivable period. Through an extensive Asset Management Program, our mineral processing teams are trained to help you accomplish this.


Digital support from our global Aftermarket team, means that no matter your location, an engineer can be available to help you. To contact one our team please call: +49 6151 1531 1531 , or email:

» Extensive site support, for optimal KLAN=PEKJABł?EAJ?UKB=HH=OOAPO » Advice on integrating solutions & recommend processes which generate improved site performance » Maintenance planning on all relevant equipment » Feeder & screen pairing, for longstanding machine longevity


REMOTE CONNECTION Remote in-depth analysis and support of your personnel

24/7 expert availability

» Support on monitoring AI algorithms shown through condition controls h0LA?Eł?=PEKJKBPDA?KNNA?PHU sized, robust screening media & other spare parts

VIDEO SUPPORT Consultation including video streaming and desktop access

MIXED REALITY INTERACTION Access to devices including augmented reality information exchange


Tel: +49 615 115 311 029

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