Blue Diamond Almond Facts July-August 2021


Develop a Cover Crop Plan with Free Seed & Technical Advice with the Seeds for Bees Program Seeds for Bees ® encourages the use of cover crops to increase the density, diversity, and duration of bee forage in California orchards, farms, and vineyards, while improving soil health. The seed mixes available through Seeds for Bees are designed to bloom at critical times of the year when natural forage is scarce but managed and native bees are active. Blooming cover crops serve the needs of bees, beekeepers, and growers, while increasing sustainability of pollination and agriculture. This win-win situation benefits both beekeeper and grower by providing better nutrition for bees, adding organic matter to the growerʼs soil, increasing water infiltration, reducing erosion, and providing a natural weed control. July may seem too early to start thinking about harvest tasks. However, now is the ideal time to plan for planting cover crops which needs to happen immediately after harvest. The fall is a busy time for growers, technical providers that advocate for cover crops, and the companies that are responsible for selling cover crop seed. The earlier you determine what type of cover crop mix you need and place your order, the more able you are to plant at the right time. It’s better to have seed sitting in your shop waiting on you, than to be looking at rain clouds and waiting on the delivery driver to show up. Almond growers have a short window of time after harvest, and before the seasonal rains in which to capitalize on the ideal planting window in order to experience the most successful pollinator supportive cover crop possible. Figuring out what seed mix is right for your operation can be a challenge. There are many factors to consider like crop type, soil type, irrigation type, planting method, termination method/date, and goals you are trying to accomplish. Managers of orchards and vineyards are increasingly looking towards the Seeds for Bees program

to help take the guesswork of out of their decision process. Participating in the Seeds for Bees program will grant you access to technical advice and free or discounted seed. Every enrollee will receive a consultation to ensure each

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