PPA | Hillside House, 1-2 Hillside, Cotham

Hillside House, 1- Hillside, Cotham PROFESSIONAL PLANNING APPRAISAL

5.8 Dedicated provision for secure, conveniently located cycle parking will be

necessary in accordance with the adopted parking standards. This will need to be

fully enclosed (i.e. within a lockable store rather than under a canopy).

5.9 Refuse and recycling provision must be incorporated in accordance with the

standards set in Policy DM32. This will need to be close to the waste collection point.

The site plan will need to identify the location for storage and show the

size/capacity of the storage containers to demonstrate compliance with Policy


5.10 The Council operates a Community Infrastructure Levy, therefore a residential

conversion will be liable f or CIL if the building is not ‘in use’. An ‘in use’ building is

defined 7 as a building which “contains a part that has been in lawful use for a

continuous period of at least six months within the period of three years ending on

the day planning permissio n first permits the chargeable development.” CIL is

charged based on the amount of floorspace within the building and is payable

upon the commencement of development (see CIL information pages on the

Council’s website 8 ).

Application Report/Survey Requirements

5.11 Any formal application will require the standard plans/drawings, application and

CIL Question forms, and ownership certificates. Additional items are likely to

include: -

A Design and Access Statement;

A Heritage Statement;

▪ A Sustainability Statement and Energy Strategy.


6.1 A physical inspection of the building has not been undertaken therefore it has not

been possible to identify, with any certainty, precisely how the building could be

7 Regulation 40(11) of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended). 8 https://www.bristol.gov.uk/planning-and-building-regulations/development-liable-for- community-infrastructure-levy

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