PPA | Hillside House, 1-2 Hillside, Cotham

Hillside House, 1- Hillside, Cotham PROFESSIONAL PLANNING APPRAISAL

3.5 A conversion of the building to provide two separate family houses might not be

financially viable (or marketable) due to their large size. Hollis Morgan could advise

on this.

3.6 Listed building consent was refused and subsequently dismissed on appeal for sub-

division of the ground floor to create three self-contained assisted living units (ref.

04/00768/LA). The decisions and delegated report are not available on the online

Public Register therefore the reasoning behind these decisions are unknown.

3.7 An application for conversion to provide specialist student housing; a small HMO

(between 3-6 persons – Use Class C4) or a large HMO (7 persons or more – sui

generis ) could be difficult to secure due to the high proportion of student housing

and HMOs within the ‘neighbourhood area’ (i.e. within a 100m radius), with the

closest HMO being at no. 3 Hillside. Policy DM2 resists these housing types where

there is or would be a concentration (defined as 10% or more – see the draft SPD

on HMOs 5 ).

3.8 Affordable housing will be required for any conversion proposing 10 or more flats

(although this number is unlikely to be possible in any event due to the building

being listed).

3.9 Applications for the creation of a dwelling are required to incorporate measures to

generate 20% of the residual energy use through renewable energy (Policy BCS14

refers). This requirement applies to listed buildings. However, there is some flexibility

on this policy (namely with respect to the 20% requirement) where it can be

demonstrated that there would be an unacceptable heritage impact, which is not

outweighed by the environmental benefits.


https://www.bristol.gov.uk/documents/20182/4026562/Draft_HMO_SPD_Consultation_Version_Fe b_2020_v3.pdf/03e6c326-df1f-8c9d-02af-c7e3e2399583

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