NADOA Welcomes the following NEW MEMBERS!!
ROC Exploration, Inc. Austen Edwards
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Brian Jones
Gulfport Energy
Sheri Helms
Sabinal Energy
Apache Corporattion
Hilcorp Energy Company Donya Williams
Lauren Wood
Brendan O’Malley
Scout Energy
Bruscato-Tyler Land & Title, Inc. Dianne Bruscato-Tyler
Keystone Energy Partners, LLC Carla Wood Land Information Services Catalina Alig Robert Griffith Lario Oil & Gas Company Ann King Merit Energy Company Brandon Wallace
Kristi Bridges
Shaw Resources Management LLC Elisabeth Olds Signal Hill Petroleum, Inc. Allison Foster
Chesapeake Energy Jason Smith
Lola Strickland
Comstock Resources
Krista Hubbard
SM Energy
Concho Resources Inc
Brittney Krek Amy Maloney
Michael Kumpas
MorningStar Partners Joseph Klix
Southwestern Energy Daniel Stangle
Don Kimbrough
Lake Martinec Lyndzee Pruitt
Elephant Oil & Gas
Courtney Williams
Brittney Belk
Noble Energy
Enduring Resources LLC Elizabeth Jimenez
Monica Pennington
Texas Petroleum Investment Company Cherie Platt White Rock Oil & Gas LLC Taylor Beach Brian Smock
P2 Energy Solutions Aaron Farris
Casey Gentry-Garcia
Range Resources
Enervest Operating LLC Kita Gibson Everest Oil & Gas LLC Alma Gonzalez
Allyson Floresq
Red Willow
Britny Hanson
FourPoint Energy, LLC
Rachelle Trauernicht
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