2019 Q1

CERTIFICATION By: Eli Murray, CDOA NADOA Certification Chairman

The Certification Committee would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Brenda Dickey and Heidi Davis for their years of service, and we are excited to welcome Bonnie Didrickson and Megan McKee to the team! The Certification Committee has held its first meeting, and we are excited about the changes in store for 2019. The 2019 Board has approved the following members to serve you in the coming year:



Eli Murray, CDOA Sherry Werth, CDOA Darryn McGee, CDOA Yolanda “Yoli” Bazan, CDOA


COG Operating, LLC

Recertification Credits

sherry.werth@roanresources.com dmcgee@protege-energy.com

Roan Resources

Recertification Applications Applications & Publications

Protege Energy LLC



Review Manual/Forms

Lewis Box, CDOA

LBox@comstockresources.com Bonnie.Didrickson@anadarko.com mmckee@rangeresources.com

Comstock Resources

Testing Policies

Bonnie Didrickson, CDOA Megan McKee, CDOA

Anadarko Petroleum Company

Range Resources

Many CDOA’s have had issues with the Self-Service system. The Certification Committee has worked diligently to alleviate any problems, and the majority of the glitches have been resolved. However, the Self-Service system is being upgraded to run on a newer technological platform, and the goal is to have the upgrades completed during the 2nd Quarter. These changes should not affect the CDOA point submissions, but should you discover any bugs, please contact me immediately. As a reminder, Recertification Credits must be added within 60 days of event attendance. Failure to timely enter the credits may result in forfeiture of those points. Employment Points may be requested during the 90 days following the anniversary of the CDOA’s individual certification year. If you have a January 1st effective date, you have from January 1st until March 31st to request employment points. If you have a July 1st effective date, you have from July 1st until September 30th to request

employment points. Please do not request employment points in July if you have a January effective date and vice versa. Lastly, the Committee is working on revising certain chapters within the Certification Review Manual as well as augmenting Part II of the test to more comprehensively test Division Order calculations. The goal is to present these proposed changes to the Board by the end of 2019 for implementation in 2020. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding such changes, please do not hesitate to contact me with your thoughts.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you as the 2019 Certification Committee Chairman.

Eli Murray, CDOA emurray@concho.com

CANDIDATES FOR CERTIFICATION Publication of the following “Certified Division Order Analyst” applicant(s) fulfills the requirement as stated in the Voluntary Certification Policy, III C.2 which states: “…applicant’s name will be published in the NADOA Newsletter or other official publication of NADOA.” This allows the NADOA membership an opportunity to present objections to the certification of the applicant. Any objection to the certification of the applicant must be in writing and signed by a NADOA member or non-member who qualifies his knowledge and objection of the applicant. All such letters will be considered confidential and must be received by the NADOA Certification Committee at the following address within thirty (30) days following the last day of the month in which the Newsletter or other official publication of NADOA was published: NADOA Certification Committee P O Box 44009 Denver CO 80201 If the objection warrants denial of the certification or temporary withholding of certification, the applicant will be notified by Certified Mail.


N a t i o n a l A s s o c i a t i o n o f D i v i s i o n O r d e r A n a l y s t s

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