Have you recently suffered from a stroke? It is no secret that any neurological disorder can be limiting and debilitating, forcing you to find new ways to manage your daily life. While this can be frustrating, physical therapy can help improve your function so you can get back to living your life on your own terms! For more information on how we can help you reclaim your life after a stroke, contact Rebound Fitness & Rehabilitation today.
The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring ForYour Body NEWSLETTER REBOUND FITNESS & REHABILITATION
How Physical Therapy Can Help RECLAIM YOUR LIFE After A Stroke
Learn more about how Greg and the staff at Rebound Fitness & Rehabilitation can help you!
The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring ForYour Body NEWSLETTER REBOUND FITNESS & REHABILITATION
How Physical Therapy Can Help RECLAIM YOUR LIFE After A Stroke
Have you recently suffered from a stroke? It is no secret that any neurological disorder can be limiting and debilitating, forcing you to find new ways to manage your daily life. While this can be frustrating, physical therapy can help improve your function so you can get back to living your life on your own terms! For more information on how we can help you reclaim your life after a stroke, contact
stroke occurred in the brain, how extensive the damage was, and the duration of the stroke. A stroke can affect cognitive function, speech, the ability to swallow, walking, balance, strength, and function. Some common symptoms associated with strokes include:
• Overactive reflexes. • Reduced sensation to touch, or “pins and needles.” • Mentalconfusion,suchasmemory loss or difficulty remembering words. • Vertigo.
• Slurred speech. • Facial droops. • Weakness or loss of function on one side of the body. • Blurred or double vision. • Instability.
Rebound Fitness & Rehabilitation today. What Happens During A Stroke?
A stroke is referred to as aCerebrovascular Accident and is caused by thesudden death of brain cells due to lack of oxygen. This occurs when the blood flow to a particular portion of the brain is restricted from a clot or bleed. There are two different types of strokes. An ischemic stroke occurs when a blood vessel is blocked, typically due to “arteriosclerosis,” which is a buildup of fatty deposits. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel leaks or ruptures, due to a weakened area of the brain from abnormally-formed blood vessels.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention. Physical therapy can help.
The severity of symptoms and recovery period are dependent on where the
Physical therapy isavitalpartof the recovery forapersonwhohassuffered from a stroke. A thorough evaluation is done in various stages of the rehabilitation process todetermineprogression instrength, transfers,walking,balance, range ofmotion,andsafety.Our licensedphysical therapistsapproach thecareofeach person as an individual, adapting the best rehabilitative process to each case. Occupational therapists work very closely in the process to improve upper extremity and hand function. Occupational therapists can also assist with speech therapy, by working with muscle deficits of speech, swallowing, and facial expressions. For patients experiencing decreased cognitive function following their stroke, cognitive challenges can help increase the functioning of the brain to problem-solve many of life’s daily activities. The long-termgoalofanystroke rehabilitationplan is to improvephysical function so thepatientcanbeas independentaspossible.Sometimes,apatientmayhave to relearn basic skills, such as walking, dressing, writing, speaking, or eating. At Rebound Fitness & Rehabilitation, our advanced methods and modalities are equipped to help you relearn, recover, and reclaim your life. According to Move Forward PT, some of the most effective physical therapy practices for helping patients relearn how to walk, use their upper body, and perform daily activities include: • Constraint-induced movement therapy. It is common for one half of the body to by affected by stroke. With this treatment method, a constraint will be put on the arm on the strong half of the body, in order to force the patient to use the weakened arm to perform daily tasks. This will help rebuild strength and function.
• Functional electrical stimulation (FES). FES is performed on muscles that are extremely weak, in order to help them move. It can benefit stiff or painful areas of the body. • Motor imagery and mental practice. This helps the patient regain function in their arms, hands, feet, and legs by “rehearsing” the action out loud before performing it.Thishelpsrebuildtheresponsesbetweenthebrainandthebody. • Positioning.Positioning isusedtohelpwithtransfers,suchassittingtostanding or sitting to laying down. It works to reduce muscle pain, spasms, slowness, and stiffness, by helping the patient relearn proper positioning of their body. • Partial body weight support (BWS). This is done to partially support the patient’s body as they walk, usually on a treadmill. It helps the patient relearnproperwalking functions,as theamountofsupportwillbegradually decreasedwith improvementofposture,strength,balance,andcoordination. • Biofeedback. Biofeedback helps patients become more aware of how their musclesworkandhow tocontrol them. It isdonebyattachingelectrodes to the skin and displaying muscle activity on a monitor. By understanding the readings, thepatientcanbetterunderstandhow theirmusclesareworking. If you have recently suffered from a stroke, don’t hesitate to seek the proper rehabilitation. Get started on the path to reclaiming your life by scheduling a consultation with Rebound Fitness & Rehabilitation today!
Exercise of the Month Try this movement to relieve neck pain.
Berry Almond Smoothie Bowl
LEVATOR SCAPULAE STRETCH Grasp your arm on the affected side and tilt your head downward into the armpit. Use your opposite hand to guide your head further into the stretch. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
Ingredients • ⅔ cup frozen raspberries • ½ cup frozen sliced banana • ½ cup plain almond milk • 5 tbsp sliced almonds, divided • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon
• ⅛ tsp ground cardamom • ⅛ tsp vanilla extract • ¼ cup blueberries • 1 tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes
Directions Blend raspberries, banana, almond milk, 3 tablespoons almonds, cinnamon, cardamom and vanilla in a blender until very smooth. Pour the smoothie into a bowland topwithblueberries, the remaining2 tablespoonsalmondsandcoconut.
WILS WARREN "I came to Rebound Fitness initially to help me work through and manage my growing pains when I was 12 years old. They were impacting how I walked, moved on the tennis court, and my daily activities. Rebound started by assessing how I moved, what my muscles did, and what my tendencies were when I moved different ways. He first developed a plan to stretch and safely strengthen my muscles as my bones were growing. Within a couple months, maybe less, I was feeling so much better and didn’t hurt like I did before. Icontinue toworkwithReboundFitness tokeepmehealthy,strength-train, and tomakemeabetter tennisplayer. IplayUSTA tournaments,aswellas being a Varsity player as a freshman, and since starting at Rebound, I have seen great improvements in my tennis game. I have seen the difference in how I move on the court, my endurance on the court, and how I feel after long or back-to-back matches and practices. I look forward to improving more as I near my goal of playing tennis in college! " Call Rebound Fitness & Rehabilitation today at 847.714.7400 to see how physical therapy can get you moving again!
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