King's Business - 1960-02

U p o n the wall of the Woodland (Negro) Christian Church of Kansas City, Missouri, is inscribed this curiously interesting motto: “WAKE up, SING up, PRAY up, PAY up, STAY up, and NEVER GIVES UP, or LET , UP, or BACK up, or SHUT up, until the cause of Christ in this church and in the world is BUILT up!” But how can it be done? “ The spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak.” Now, God has never laid out a job for us to do without providing the power and plan by which to do it! When He ordered Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, He provided the ram. When He told Moses to march, He held back the waters of the Red Sea. When He commanded Joshua to march about Jericho, He felled the mighty walls by His heavenly power. When He invited Peter to step out of the boat, He made the Galilee water sustain each footstep. Abraham’s job was to carry Isaac up the mountain, God did the rest! All God expected Moses and Joshua and Peter to do was to just step out on His command and believe for the guaranteed power! Today our job is to determine God’s will . . . then do it . . . knowing He will provide the power who works through the Christian in this age of grace. If we are to

this vital truth . . . while they continue to live, day after day, an unsatisfying and unfruitful life void of all spir­ itual dynamic. Christian, hear me now! Let us not get an unbalanced introduction to this teaching. Too many believers have either Rheumatism or the St. Vitus Dance on the subject. They are either afraid of the wonderful power of the Spirit or else they became extremists who give the Holy Spirit a place which even He would not be pleased with. Let us avoid unscriptural extremes! I want to testify that my life and ministry was trans­ formed when I began to recognize the Holy Guest . . . for He is just that . . . A Guest who provides all that I need to live by. Though He has no body but mine and yours, Christian, in which to live, yet He is definitely a Person! He does what only a Person can do. Gal. 4:6 tells us He speaks, Romans 8:26 tells us He makes inter­ cession for us. Acts 13:2 ad Acts 20:28 indicate that He leads us. John 14:26 promised that He would teach us all things. He ministers and regenerates (John 3:6). When we believed, He baptized us into the body (1 Cor. 12:13). He sealed us as believers (Eph. 4:30) and He will fill us for service with power, if we will min’d the injunc-






Too many believers have either Rheumatism or the St. Vitus Dance on the subject of The Holy Spirit by Merv Rosell

have revival, personal and national, we must not ignore the Holy Spirit and His power and presence. The greatest sin that an unsaved man can commit is that of ignoring and rejecting Jesus Christ the Saviour. In like manner: the greatest disobedience the believer can commit is ignoring the Holy Spirit’s presence and re­ jecting His power. Many Christians don’t seem to realize Evangelist Rosell is his study

tion of Eph. 5:18! Christian, this Holy Guest, is most important to your daily life and testimony. Without Him, all service is null and void. Let me tell you why! Read with me this verse: “And when He is come, He will convict the world of sin and of righteousness, and of judgment.” (John 16:8) It is His business to complete the “ body of Christ” . . . to woo and to wm the hearts of men whom He has con­ victed of sin, righteousness and judgment. God, the Father planned our salvation. God, the Son, provided it at Cal­ vary. Now, God, the Holy Spirit presents it to men! You and I cannot save men; in fact, we cannot woo and win them apart from the power of the spirit. That is positively true. Now, this also is true! The Holy Spirit of God lives within you . . . and cannot use you to win men . . . unless you permit Him to do so. Then words spoken “ in the Spirit” are more valuable than a thousand that He does not empower! “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost (Guest) which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? . . . for ye are bought with a price; therefore, glorify God in your body, and in your body, and in your Spirit which are God’s (1 Cor. 6:19-20). You have tried to live the life of victory and power and soul winning, long enough! Now, permit (not make) Him to live it for you . . . and through you . . . to the glory of God. It will mean a really new walk for you. The result: Simply and wonderfully, real and lasting personal renewal and revival! I am not asking you to seek a strange, new emotional experience, I want you rather, to say “ Good morning” to the indwelling person of power and then permit Him to prove Himself able to exalt Christ in you and use you to win lost men and promote in your place the needed power. 11


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