King's Business - 1960-02

The Editors of the King's Business invite readers to contribute outlines for sermons, Bible readings, etc., for use in this column. LOVE'S SEVENFOLD CORD A sevenfold cord of love between God the Father and God the Son as seen in John’s Gospel. 1; The Committal of Love (John 3:35). 2. The Complacency of Love (John 10: 17). 3. The Communion of Love (John 15:9). 4. The Co-equality of Love (John 17: 23). 5. The Character of Love (John 17:24). 6. The Constrainment of Love (John 17:26). 7. The Communication of Love (John 5:20). LOVE'S CHARACTER 1. Unlimited, Eph. 2:4 (Infinite). 2. Unutterable, John 3:16 (Inexpres­ sible) . 3. Unbelievable, Eph. 3:19 (Incon­ ceivable) . 4. Undividing, Rom. 8:35-39 (Insepar­ able) . 5. Unselfish, I John 4:10 (Interactive). 6. Unquenchable, S. of S. 8:7 (Inextin­ guishable) . 7. Unchanging, John 13:1 (Immutable). THE BIBLE, OUR D IVINE STOREHOUSE 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 I. The Origin of the Scriptures. “ All scripture is given by inspiration of God.” II. The Worth of the Scriptures. It is profitable for: 1. Doctrine. 2. Reproof. 3. Correction. 4. Instruction in righteousness. III. The Divine Object of the Scriptures. That the man of God may be: 1. Perfect (complete). 2. Fully equipped — “ throughly fur­ nished unto all good works.” "A S IT WAS, SO SHALL IT BE" Luke 17:26 I. Days of Sin. THE GREATNESS OF LOVE I Corinthians 13 I. Love is Essential (1-3). II. Love is Effective (4-7). III. Love is Everlasting (8-10). IV. Love always Excels (11-13).

Moody’s Missionary Course

provides specialized training fo r the particular fie ld o f your choice In addition to a thorough background of Bible and regular missionary subjects, Phonetics, Missionary Principles and Practice, and Comparative Religions are also offered to equip you to meet varied problems on the field. Tuition is free. To make your studies more practical, all missionary classes are taught by faculty members who have had experience in their subjects. Bookkeeping, Dentistry, Obstetrics and Elementary Medicine are among the electives available. At Moody you put into practice what you learn. In addition to the practical Christian work assignments, course requires six weeks of supervised summer field work in home missions. College or university graduates may complete the missionary course in two years instead of three. Write today for free catalog and illustrated booklet of student life.

Through M issionary Union, a student organization, you may serve on deputation teams, hear different m issionary speakers, pray for m issionaries bn every field and read letters from them.

M B I's M IS SIO N A R Y T E C H N IC A L C O U R S E provides instruction in aviation and communications . . . meeting the urgent need on m ission fields. Instruction in Aviation— leading to a commercial pilot’s license . . . Radio and Comm unications— building and servicing of shortwave radio equipment. DO YOU KNOW . . . that more than one-tenth of the missionary staff of the world was trained at Moody Bible Institute ... that more than 2,200 Moody alumni are serving under some 200 mission boards? Please send me a copy of □ Life at M oody □ Latest M oody catalog

Accredited by Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges INTERDENOMINATIONAL . . . EVANGELICAL

M O O D Y B I B L E IN ST ITU 820 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago 10, Illinois Dr. William Culbertson, president Dr. S. Maxwell Coder, dean _______. . . _______________ Dept. K-0-260 n

1. God’s way was abandoned. 2. God’s work was speaking. 3. God’s will was unheeded. 1. God’s message was neglected. 2. God’s refuge was rejected. 3. God’s gift was lost. 1. God’s grace was working. 2. God’s love was planning. 3. God’s power was keeping.

I I . Days of Sorrow.

Nam e- Address- City ____

III. Days of Salvation.

_Zone ____ State _

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