King's Business - 1960-02

Book Reviews

6 B o o k s \ o tv B ea d y B y »1C . .1. V E R N O N M cG E E

THINGS TO COME By J. Dwight Pentecost, Th.D.

Here are some fine out­ lined studies in some Old a n d N e w Testament books by a noted and gifted teacher and au­ thor. Good for teachers, students, pastors, Chris­ tian workers. Now ready!

This study in Biblical Eschatology is a long awaited book of tre­ mendous importance. Perhaps it is the greatest book in its field written in our time. In this excep­ tional volume the author seeks to an­ alyze, harmonize and systemize the Scrip­ tures of prophecy in­ to an organized and unified doctrine as few, if .arry, writers

by Arnold D. Ehlert, Th.D. Librarian and Professor of Library Science, Biola

God Holds the Key By Geoffrey T. Bull

GOING THROUGH G E N E S IS ...... $1.00 IN IT IAT ION INTO ISAIAH ...... 1 25 M OV ING THROUGH M ATTH EW .. 1.00 M A RCH IN G THROUGH M A RK 1.00 REASONING THROUGH ROMANS 1.00 Part 1 (Rom. 1-8) REASONING THROUGH ROMANS 1.00 Part 2 (Rom. 9-16) Order from your bookstore or D U N H AM PU B L ISH IN G CO . Findlay, Ohio Subsidy Book Publisher (Author investment in first edition) Free toWRITERS se e k in g a b o o k pu b lish e r Two fact-filled, illustrated brochures tell how to publish your book, get 40% royalties, na­ tional advertising, publicity and promotion* Free editorial appraisal. Write Dept. KB-2 Exposition Press / 386 4th Ave., N.Y. 16 F R E E C O P Y My brochure, “Facts about The Revised Standard (Per) Version Bible.” Also sample copies of other Gospel tracts. (Stamp for postage appreciated.) Address: A.R . Funder­ burk, 1215 Conrad, Palestine, Tex. In Glendale BIOLA BOOKROOM "The Complete Christian Supply Center" 121 W. Wilson - Glendale, Calif. N O W — R E A D Y — 50 Y E A R Complete ANN IVER SARY INDEX For The K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S (only $3.00) 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. W A N T E D A copy of the Correspond­ ence Course “ Book Study: Through the Bible in One Year" prepared by W. H. Pike in 1920. This Is needed for the Biola Library archives. W rite to the Librarian 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, Calif.

There is something deeply gripping about this book. The author was in China as a missionary when the Com­ munists seized and imprisoned him and for three years sought to “re­ educate” him by means of brain­ washing. He wrote of his experiences in a former book, “When Iron Gates Yield,” which is a document in suf­ fering. This volume, however, goes more deeply into the spirirtual as­ pects of this experience and is in reality a sort of diary of the soul. His call to the mission field, God’s leading in his life, and his demonstration of the sufficiency of grace yield stamina and lead to maturity in the Christian life of the reader. The Bible is ap­ pealed to often as a source of strength and means of interpretation of the spiritual s t r u g g l e . Excursions of praise and worship intersperse the narrative. 254 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $3.50. Sandals at the Mosque by Kenneth Cragg In Sandals at the Mosque we have the first of a series of studies to be called the Christian Presence Series. The plan is for an authority in the field to lead his readers into an ap­ proach to each of the major religions with a view to first discovering and then to understanding what may be held in common. This must be done reverently if it is to be successful. We must in the author’s words “ take off our shoes” (p. 9). Of course the Mos­ lem does this when he enters into the Mosque for worship. The real purpose of the series, according to its editor, M.A.C. Warren, is to enable the Chris­ tian promulgators of the Gospel to grasp more intelligently the great challenges of the modern world in so far as these major religious groups are concerned. These systems are becom­ ing missionary minded and are of­ fering a real challenge to Christianity in seeking to provide answers to the world’s questionings. While the kind of Christianity that is brought into the encounter in this book leaves much to be desired, there are valu­ able insights and profitable applica­ tions presented. A glossary and bibli­ ography will aid the serious reader. 160 pages; cloth; Oxford University Press, New York; $2.75.

have ever before attempted. In the introduction by the President of Dallas Theological Seminary, Dr. Walvoord says, "The work as a whole merits classifi­ cation as a standard and comprehensive text in Biblical Eschatology." Dr. Ralph L. Keiper says," . . . a veritable encyclo­ pedia on Bible prophecy . . . Pentecost has given us not only a handbook of prophecy but the cream of the best books on the subject." 633 large pages .......... $7.95

Order from your bookseller or

Dunham Publishing Company Findlay, Ohio

Bible truths will live in the hearts of your pupils when presented w ith an u n d erstan d in g o f the colorful setting and people of that era. BIBLE BACKGROUND FILMSTRIPS Brilliant color photographs sweép aside the dust o f centuries and stimulate new interest in Bible history and prophecy. Recorded narration and narration booklet available. Write for catalog of 16 titles.

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