King's Business - 1960-02

A ll the Birds of the Bible by Alice Parmelee

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We have had a number of books that seek to tell us all about some par­ ticular subject in the Bible—men, women, plants, etc. Before long we should have one on all the animals of the Bible. The present volume is a most beautiful production. It has the distinction of including the antiquar­ ian materials on the subject—repro­ ductions of early mosaics, medieval paintings, and the like. There are 64 pages of pictures. The author is a thoroughly seasoned writer and is an amateur ornithologist. The foreword by Guy Emerson, past president of the Audubon Society, speaks highly of the work. Spiritual implications are not by-passed. Many passages are quoted in modem translations. All in all the book would grace any book shelf as well as provide a great deal of information for the preacher and teacher. There are textual and subject indexes. 279 p. Harper. $4.95. The period between the Testaments has taken on new interest and signifi­ cance since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The average Christian knows little, if anything, about this period and is hence at a loss to under­ stand some of the things found in the New Testament which are not in the Old Testament record. Some have called the period the four hundred silent years. This may be true so far as the recorded voice of God is con­ cerned, but there were many voices of the peoples involved in the history of this period. Dr. Pfeiffer, Associate Professor of Old Testament at Gordon Divinity School, gives us here a good working manual of the period. There are a brief bibliography, chronological table and index. 132 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.95. The Adequate M an : Paul in Philippians by Paul S. Rees Within the covers of this little vol­ ume are packed many seasoned obser­ vations on the truths of the Epistle. The world is looking for answers to many problems. Dr. Rees orients his work in this exposition toward devel­ oping the concept of the man who is adequate for his times. Those who have heard Dr. Rees speak will be looking for carefully thought out out­ lines and well-phrased paragraphs, and he will not be disappointed. Above all is the fervent and devout evangeli­ cal spirit. 127 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J.; $2.00. (Book Reviews Continued on Next Page) Between the Testaments by Charles F. Pfeiffer

"Outstanding missionary biography" Harold J. Ockenga

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