King's Business - 1960-02

SCIENCE & THE BIBLE by Bolton Davidbeiser, Ph.D., Chairman of the Science Division, Biola College

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T ' h e line which divides that which is Christian from that which is not Christian appears to be becoming ever more difficult to distinguish. The pub­ lic lectures on atheism are a thing of the past as are also the papers and pamphlets openly attacking Chris­ tianity. But in their place has come a flood of writing and speaking which purports to be Christian when it real­ ly is destructive of the Christian faith. Many of these are so obviously false that their true nature can be readily discerned by anyone who believes the gospel, while others are so subtle and approach so closely to the tenets of Scripture that they may cause con­ fusion. The theory of evolution is destruc­ tive of Christian faith. This should be evident to all who understand the way of salvation, for if man evolved grad­ ually from the brute it follows that there was no fall as described in Genesis and thus no need for redemp­ tion and a Redeemer. The logical con­ clusion to this is that Christ was merely a superior person who died a martyr to His high ideals. Indeed, many people have been led in this way to this conclusion. Some who realize that “ complete evolution” is not in accord with the Christian faith believe that “ threshold evolution” can be reconciled with Scripture. Probably not everyone who subscribes to this believes exactly the same thing, but we may take as an illustration the statements of Edward J. Carnell in his book An Introduction to Christian Apologetics. A Philoso­ phic Defense of the Trinitarictn-Theis- tic Faith. This book won the first prize in the 1948 Evangelical Book Award Competition conducted by the Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Dr. Car­

nell believes that evolution can occur within the “ order,” but no further. “ Order” is a technical term which re­ presents the next largest category of classification above a family. F o r example, the order of carnivorous mammals includes the cat family, the dog family, the bear family, and many more. The cat family includes lions, tigers, leopards, lynxes, etc. He states that man was created, but he defines man in such a way as to in­ clude Pithecanthropus erectus. Fur­ thermore, he says that the possible range of evolution here could include forms more like other primates, such as monkeys and apes, than like us.* Actually, if we accept his assertion that evolution is possible within the order, man could have evolved from an ancestor which also produced baboons and lemurs. If evolution is possible within the limits of an order, a walrus and a weasel could have evolved from a common ancestor and the same thing can be said for a giraffe and a hippopotamus. It does not require a great deal of discern­ ment to recognize that this is real evolution and that changes of the sort require to accomplish such trans­ formations are not demonstrable. Some evolutionists confuse the issue by defining evolution first as al­ most any kind of change in animals or plants and then proceeding to use the word evolution to mean the devel­ opment of all life from very simple beginnings.

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It is ill advised to prefix modifying words to make a certain amount of evolution appear acceptable, and it is misleading to use the word evolution to describe changes of the sorts which do occur and which are not evolution. *See page 240 of the second edition. BROOKS BIBLE WORK BOOKS By DR. KEITH L. BROOKS Use Question-and-Answer Method to Uncover Spiritual Riches This amazing series of 23 titles covers the important parts of God’s word and yields up the pure gold of its teaching equally for simple converts or scholarly minds. Searching questions are answered with Bible references to be looked up and written down. Try this simple direct method and discover the blessing possible from even a few minutes a day. BEG IN NOW TO KNOW THE BIBLE BETTER


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