
12A — August 16 - 29, 2013 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal



Offering services and flexibility that the giant banks do not Kearny Federal Savings Bank yields community growth


earny Federal Sav- ings Bank’s reputa- tion among seasoned

nity engagement because it creates strong institutions, housing, jobs and other ben- efits that make communities prosper,” said John Mazur, chairman of the Board of Di- rectors of Kearny MHC, Ke- arny Financial Corporation and Kearny Federal Savings Bank since January 2004. “We truly believe in giving back to the communities which made us so successful today.” Under Mazur’s tenure on the Board, the bank has gone from four to forty-one branches in nine New Jer-

sey counties. Much of the growth has been achieved through the bank’s four bank acquisitions over the past fifteen years, the most re- cent being Central Jersey Bank in 2010. Kearny has expanded its market share through aggressive market- ing, maintaining its matured existing customer base while addressing the needs of a new generation of customers who look for service in non- traditional banking channels and through the expansion of services into commercial financing and C&I lending.

Traditionally, Kearny’s lending activity primarily consisted of the origination of one-to-four family residential mortgage loans. Strategic emphasis has since shifted toward more aggressive loan portfolio growth with higher transactional dollar volume, while maintaining high asset quality and good credit risk. Kearny Federal Savings Bank, which employs ap- proximately 500 people, has a staff of thirty people in the commercial lending depart- ment alone. The company’s business plan continues to call for increased origination of commercial mortgages, primarily secured by multi- family apartment buildings, but also mixed-use properties and nonresidential mortgage loans. At the helm of new busi- ness development is Vincent Micco, second vice president and director of sales at Ke- arny Federal Savings Bank. Micco started in residential mortgages in 2005 and has been promoted to the highest sales position in the bank, all while raising his family and serving as an Army Reserv- ist, with two tours in Iraq. Customers note his person- ality and commitment are why they do business with Kearny. Micco credits the team culture that is focused on new business develop- ment for growing the bank’s loan portfolio. “My goal is to lead by ex- ample, constantly prospect- ing for new business re- lationships for the bank, while providing outstanding customer service. I manage an outstanding, very capable team of commercial and residential loan officers and SBA Business Development Officers, who are constantly hunting for new business in order to grow our portfolio safely,” said Micco, or Vince, as all of his clients and most of the Meadowlands Regional Chamber know him. Knowing the Customer Kearny Federal Savings Bank attributes much of its success to the relationships it has with clients. Vince Micco and his team are known for learning about their clients’ businesses so they can bet- ter understand how to help them reach their objectives. In return, their clients get to continued on page 24A

prospecting, outstanding cus- tomer service and the ability to attract loans that meet and exceed high underwrit- ing standards. For almost 130 years, the federally chartered stock sav- ings bank has grown steadily with conservative lending and deposit principles and a commitment to exception- al service and creating op- portunities. Since the bank joined the NASDAQ Stock Exchange in 2005, it boasts assets of $2.9 billion. “Commercial financing is an extension of our commu-

commercial real estate i n v e s t o r s and brokers throughout the Mead- owlands and greater New Jersey mar- ket remains

Vincent Micco

favorable, as evidenced by its remarkable growth in recent years. An anchor in the com- munity, the bank attributes its progress to aggressive

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