12B — August 16 - 29, 2013 — New Jersey — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
P eople on the M ove
Leading Woman Entrepreneurs finalist CW Solutions’ Curtis receives honors all utility infrastructure.”
EWARK, NJ — Busi- nesses and nonprofits based in Newark have Supporting the work of Volunteer Lawyers for Justice Genova Burns Giantomasi Webster garners top spot N
MILLSTONE TWP., NJ — Stacie Curtis , president and founder of CW Solutions has
The 2013 finalists who were selected are women who sup- port numerous non-profits, are employing thousands, generating millions and rep- resent a variety of industries. An independent committee selected the initial finalists from hundreds of nominations. The judgment criteria included the following: Market Poten- tial, Innovation, Advocacy for Women, and Community Involvement. “I am very excited about the 2013 initiative in partnership with New Jersey Monthly Magazine that honors women business owners because wom- en are the forerunners to the economic recovery of our state. Over the last twenty years, women have surpassed men at twice the rate for starting their own companies. Our joint project presents phenomenal exposure for their efforts and the issue that finalists are list- ed in will reach over 750,000 households,” states Linda Wellbrock, Founder of Leading Women Entrepreneurs. Final- ists are then automatically submitted for phase two of the competition. n help service Cassidy Turley in New Jersey’s 6.1 million s/f management portfolio. Ad- ditionally, Carrie Ciaburri has joined the firm and will work closely with office and industrial brokers to provide internal marketing support and assistance. “Our goal is to continue to attract talented individuals who provide energetic, insight- ful and innovative approaches toward serving our clients and differentiating us in the mar- ketplace,” said Raymond P. Trevisan , managing principal, Cassidy Turley. “The addition of these new Cassidy Turley team members will help us further reinforce those goals.” n The Hall of Fame was created to honor NAIOP New Jersey Chapter members with a par- ticularly distinguished record of service to the association over a period of many years. The induction ceremony will take place on November 4, 2013, at the Short Hills Hilton. n
been named a 2013 Leading Woman En- trepreneurs and Business Owners Ini- tiative final- ist. The honor acknowledg-
a long history of supporting one another, and such is certainly the case with the annual “Hob- by’s For Justice” fundraiser to benefit Volunteer Lawyers for Justice. As part of the popular fundraiser, Hobby’s Delicates- sen & Restaurant invites local businesses to sponsor a sand- wich that appears on the res- taurant’s menu for one week in June. Funds are earmarked for VLJ’s comprehensive pro bono legal services to thousands of economically disadvantaged individuals each year in New Jersey. For the second year in a row, the law firm of Genova Burns Giantomasi Webster garnered the top spot in the most-ordered sandwich compe- tition with its “GBGWTrust-ee Turk-ee.” As part of the fundraiser, Hobby’s donates 10 percent of the proceeds to VLJ for any eat-in or take-out order on a specific day as well as all cater- ing orders for an entire week. In total, this year’s “Hobby’s for Justice” included 20 spon- sored sandwiches. “Our firm has received many honors in 2013, including Pro Bono Firm of the Year and be- ing named one of State’s top litigation firms. But clinching the top sandwich for ‘Hobby’s for Justice’ holds special mean- ing for Genova Burns Gianto- masi Webster,” said Angelo J. Genova , co-founder of GBGW. “This competition has become an eagerly anticipated annual tradition for our attorneys and staff as we come together to brainstorm, strategize, and BRIDGEWATER, NJ — Ad- vance Realty announced that the firm’s director of corporate and property accounting, Jen- nifer Mercer , has been se- lected to serve on the Institute of Management Accountants’ (IMA) Committee on Ethics. Withmore than 65,000mem- bers, IMA is the worldwide association for accountants and financial professionals working in business. The eth- ics committee is responsible for upholding the IMA State- ment of Ethical Professional Practice, providing expertise to IMAmembers regarding the resolution of ethical conflicts,
Stacie Curtis
es women entrepreneurs for their service, leadership and contribution to their communi- ties and New Jersey’s economic recovery. The Top 25 Leading Women Entrepreneurs will be recognized on December 5, 2013 at a cocktail reception at Fiddlers Elbow Country Club in Bedminster. “Building a business which benefits the economy of New Jersey is inspiring. I am hon- ored to have been recognized among the state’s most tal- ented and highly accomplished women entrepreneurs,” said Curtis. “At CW Solutions, we aim to promote competitive- ness in economic development by maintaining the health of the state’s energy, wireless phone and internet, and over- CHATHAM, NJ — Cassidy Turley announced the addi- tion of nine new teammembers including five brokers, three new property managers and a marketing associate. Jamie Greenspan , asso- ciate vice president; Linda Hill , associate vice president; Kelsey Nakamura , associate; Michael Colvin , associate; and Danica Roskos , associate, will strengthen the vibrant broker- age division and build upon existing expertise in Northern and Central New Jersey sub- markets. Annmarie Man- gano , senior property manager; Daniel Schwartz , assistant property manager; and Jean Leone , property manager, will Flemington, NJ — Lloyd H. Tubman , a partner in the Real Estate Depart- ment of the law firm Archer & Greiner P.C. , has been selected for induction into the Hall of Fame of the New Jersey Chapter of NAIOP , the Commercial Real Estate Development Association.
Shown from left: The Honorable Harvey Weissbard, Of Counsel; Geraldine DeAngelo, Legal Assistant; Gemma Giantomasi, Associ- ate with GBGW, member of VLJ’s board of trustees, and member of VLJ’s steering committee for its Newark Reentry Legal Services; and Ana Dos Santos, Hospitality Coordinator.
then eat! All for the common goal of supporting the fine work of Volunteer Lawyers for Justice.” Five years ago, GBGW re- located its headquarters to Newark and is very much a part of the City’s business and political communities. The firm represents many of the premier companies and business interests in the re- gion, providing its clients with representation at the highest standard of excellence. GBGW also focuses its philanthropic efforts on the region’s urban centers, supporting a host of non-profit organizations in- cluding VLJ. “This is one of our favorite events each year! We are ex- tremely thankful to all of the law firms and businesses that join in the good-natured fun of ‘Hobby’s For Justice’ and extend our gratitude to the and supporting the develop- ment of ethical standards and awareness among IMA members and the profession as a whole. Mercer, who has been amem- ber of the IMA since obtaining her Certified Management Ac- countant (CMA) certification in 2003, will serve a two-year term. She became active in the Raritan Valley IMA Chapter in 2006 and has held numer- ous board positions including president from 2009-2011. She also served as president of the New Jersey IMA Council from 2011-2013. “We are extremely proud of
owners and staff of Hobby’s for their continued support,” said Karen Sacks, Esq. , founding executive director of VLJ. VLJ focuses on the areas of greatest need to low-income individuals such as family law, consumer law, bankruptcy and special education. Its program- ming includes free legal coun- sel and advice, educational seminars on various legal mat- ters, and direct representation for at-risk individuals facing critical civil legal issues. VLJ’s ReLeSe program as- sists Essex County residents with criminal records with civil legal issues serving as barri- ers to successful community reintegration. Through direct in-house representation and referrals to volunteer attor- neys, ReLeSe aids its clients with driver’s license restora- tion, resolution and expunge- ment of criminal records. n Jen’s accomplishments with IMA and applaud her willing- ness to serve her accounting colleagues in this manner,” said Peter Cocoziello , CEO of Advance Realty. “During her time at Advance, she has been a standout performer. She has a keen attention to detail and always strives to provide Ad- vance with the most accurate and timely information. We are confident she will approach her duties on this committee in a similar fashion.” Mercer has 20 years of com- mercial real estate experience relating to property and corpo- rate operations. n
Nine new hires expand Cassidy Turley’s New Jersey office
Advance Realty’s Jennifer Mercer appointed to Institute of Management Accountants Committee on Ethics
Lloyd Tubman to be inducted into NAIOP New Jersey Hall of Fame
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