Vital Care PT December 2017

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There’s No Time Like the Present You’ve spent the last 20 to 30 years looking ahead, saving up for retirement, and making smart investments. Now your kids have left the nest, leaving you with more time and disposable income than you’ve had in years. You’re entering a new phase of life, which makes now the perfect time to pick up the long-forgotten dreams you’ve laid aside for so many years. It’s time to make a bucket list. Where to Start

exploring and embracing your once impractical and now achievable dreams. So where do you start? Throw a bucket list party. Gather your friends and family around. Make sure the group is made up of loved ones who believe in you and in each other. Don’t forget to invite that one friend — the one who believes a crazy scheme is just another word for adventure. Supportive friends and family are a major asset when it comes to bucket listing. List Away Pick something to write in or on. Anything works. From a designated notebook to a party napkin, choose whatever suits your fancy. Then list away. This exercise is about freedom from inhibitions, which is why it’s called a bucket list instead of a to-do list. Write down anything and everything you desperately want to see or do during your final years. Need ideas? Travel and Leisure’s article, “The Ultimate Travel and Leisure Bucket List,” is filled with ideas inspired by their employees’ bucket lists. From taking a food tour of Sicily, Italy, to visiting a traveler-

This is not about kicking the bucket. Your bucket list is

for reassessing and revamping your goals. It’s about

run post office in the Galapagos, you’ll find

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“When I first came to Andrea at Vital Care, my mobility was severely limited and my pain level was extreme, to say the least. Andrea started my rehab slowly but methodically as she wisely worked to

accurately determine what was needed to get me back to a normal range of motion and to eliminate the pain. As each session was completed, I steadily became stronger and more flexible. Today, I am graduating back into the life I had before the problem with my hip, and I am very thankful for the care and treatment I received. Thanks, Andrea. P.S. I am going bowling!” –Stephan T.

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