King's Business - 1926-08

S& KINGS Volum« 17— Number é


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DR. F. E. MARSH Well known internationally at Preacher, Bihle Teacher and Author Editor “The Prophetic New»” London , August *1926 "For Ever, O Lord, Thy Word U Settled in Heaven’ (Paalm 119 : 89 )


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THE KING’S BUSINESS “ The Bible Family Magazine" Timely and Trenchant Editorial«. Bible Article« by Well Known Preacher« and Teacher», Matter« of Moment (Current Comment), Splendid S. S. Lesson Help«, Pointer» for Preacher« and Teacher«, lhe Family Circle (For Daily Devotion), Practical Meth­ od» of Personal Work, The Children * Garden (Junior Magazine), Outline Studies in Epistle» of John, Really Helpful Help» on C. E. Topic», with many other short articles, poems, illustration«, etc. T. C. HORTON, Editor-in-Chief 536-558 So. Hope St., - Lo» Angeles, Calif.

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T he K ing ’ s B usiness Motto: “ I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.” Isaiah 27:3. pi iri l.cHFn MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELLES









THIS MAGAZINE stands lor the Infallible Word of Cod, and for Its great fundamental doctrines. work. to . caual„t ITS PURPOSE is to strengthen the faith of all believers, in all the world; to stir their hearts to engage in definim Christian w o i^ to acq them with the varied work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles; and to work in harmony and fellowship with them in m agnifying _______ person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ, and thus hasten H lscom lng. Volume XVII August, 1926 Number 8 , ,

Table of Contents


Editorials The Rugged Road to Royalty....... - ........................................................... The Key to the Kingdom....'............................ ................................. ......... Facing Serious Facts...... ...... .|......................... .................... .......................445 Contributed Articles . . . . . . "G od ’ s Way to a New Revival” — Dean John M. Maclnnis..................446 "His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful” — Rev. Arthur H. Carter, D. D........................................................ 447 The Passing of a South Sea Island Heathen Chief — Rev. Maurice Frater........ ............ .......................*............... A Suggestion . . . . Worth Trying?— John Graham Reid, A.M., Ph.D 450 The Way to the Truth— David R. Breed, D.D., LL.D....................... 451 Will a Man Defend Himself and not Defend Christ and the Bible? — Prof. Leander S. Keyser, D.D........................................................ 453 Is the Second Coming o f Christ a Practical Hope? ■ — Rev. Britton Ross......................... „..'....454 Out o f the House of Bondage— Rev. R. A. Jaffray..:............................ 457 The Confessions of a Lawyer’ s Wife............. ......................... ............ 460 Anthropology: or, The Doctrine of Man— Dr. F. £ . Marsh..................463 Straws and Symptoms.. .......................... -— -.............-................................ Evangelistic Department (Interesting Soul Winning Stories from Real Experience)........................... 465 The Children's Garden (The King’ s Business Junior).................. .................. 467 Our Bible Institute in China.................................................................................. -471 Pointers for Preachers and Teachers (Homiletical Helps)............................. 473 The Family Circle (For Fellowship and Intercession)...... ............................474 Practical Methods of Personal Work (For Defenders of the Faith) — T. C. Horton .......................... 476 Outline Studies in the Epistles o f John—T . C. Horton.......... .................... 478 Christian Endeavor Topics ................................... ....................... .................... 479 Bible Institute Happenings....... ............ .................... ......... ................................ 481 The Chosen People, the Land and the Book................................ ............ .....483 Best Books ............................................ .............................r................................... Iowa Christian Fundamentals Association.................................................... „.469

J. M. IRVINE, President HOWARD FROST. Vice-President A. ADDISON MAXWELL, T reasurer DR. A. T. COVERT H. B. EVANS C. A. LUX NATHAN NEWBY J. M. RUST MRS. LYMAN STEW AR f DR. C. E. HURLBURT, Superintendent J. P. WELLF-S, Sec. to the Board of Directors W . R. HALE. Assistant Superintendent FACULTY DR. JOHN M. MACINNIS, Dean DR. RALPH ATKINSON, Associate Dean REV. JOHN H. HUNTER. Secretary of Faculty REV. WILLIAM H. PIKE. Secretary Evening School REV. KEITH L. BROOKS. Secretary Correspondence School CHRISTIAN M. BOOKS PROF. ARTHUR A. BUTLER MISS MARIE CARTER


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of two millennium» of nature’« ravages, ' — the hlatorlo Roman military road which into Eastern Europe, and through to Asia Minor. How often

massive Homan gateway, which wears the scars - M _ __ assing pride of men, for it marks the route of the famed _Apptan Way the hist« ched its undeviating course to the blue Adriatic, on i--»- —------- — - ■ there passed within its portals, amid the plaudits of the admiring multitude, s’s triumphant military leaders. But they, with all their pomp and pageantry, r has it witnessed an event more auspicious than the momentous hour 3 tosrether with his weary companions in travel, and their humble tr— - l’adowy precincts into the heart of the “Eternal City,” as the unannounced having set his face like a flint to preach the Gospel

...........i, the magnificent procession» of UJl have passed from off the scene, when that rugged old herald of the welcoming hosts, pressed his way through ambassador of the Heavenly King, 'at Rome also.”


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

August 1926

be kept in such relation to our Lord that at anytime, under any circumstance, when the call comes quickly, there can he an instantaneous response. No long list of rules is necessary; just live the prayer life and appreciate the joy of it, the privilege of it, the need of it. Prayer will do what money, nor position, nor education, can ever do. And the bosom friend of prayer is praise! And when we use that word you set the joy. bells of Heaven ring­ ing in your heart. One of the most outstanding illus­ trations of the fellowship of prayer and praise is found ’in Acts 16:25 when, bound fast in the stocks at mid­ night, Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God. The earthquake followed and the doors of the prison were opened! The unity of prayer and praise brought recognition from Heaven. Paul and Silas were “ living the life” and it was manifest in their atti­ tude. So it can be with every Christian, and so it ought to be. No matter what tests are permitted by the Lord in our lives, if we, too, are “ living the life” of prayer and praise we will have His smile from the glory, and His joy will be our strength. THE RUGGED ROAD TO ROYALTY Royalty means “ the state o f being royal, the condi­ tion or quality of being a royal person.” We speak of “ the royal road to success,” but there never has been an easy road to success in any walk of life. It has always been a Rugged Road. There are seven letters in the word “ success,” and seven is the perfect number. Study the lives of suc­ cessful men and almost always you will find that they have a similar history o f hardships and difficulties. In a recent number of The American Magazine is a story of a young lad who, at eighteen years of age, could not pass the eighth grade in the public school and so took a job in his father’s store, which he later left for that of errand hoy in a Chicago bank, and is now the Chairman of the Board in the same bank—H)ne o f the largest in Chicago. His youthful companion, from his home town, who also left school at about the same time, is now the President of a leading railroad. These boys both traveled the Rugged Road to success, but they kept the path and reached the goal. Open your Bible. Run your eyes over the record of the chosen men of God,—Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Samson, Samuel, David, Solomon, Daniel, Paul, John, and our Lord Jesus Christ Hjimself. Is it not the same story 1 Read the history of the Church. Has not every real follower found that a life loyal to Christ means a Rugged Roadf Those who travel this Rugged Road know where they are going. They are not seeking soft and easy places for themselves, but are only seeking to glorify their Lord, and they have the promise of His presence and power. But so few of the saints have any heart for the Rugged Road, and so they do not have any real fel­ lowship with their Leader, for He can only be revealed,

PRAYER AND PRAISE Here are two little words of six letters each,—won­ derful little words! When uttered, they seem to have been formed for association with each other,—two pearls of peerless value, linked in loving embrace. We are all acquainted with these words, but too often they are used in a meaningless manner, with flippant familiarity. Perhaps, when analyzed, we will find that they are of more tremendous meaning and inestimable value than we had dreamed. The wprd “ prayer” has many meanings as used in the Word of God, but its deepest meaning is “ life” ! Prayer is a life, an attitude; it is the breath of the indwelling Spirit o f God in the heart of a believer. It is not limited to any particular posture of the body,— standing, sitting, kneeling, walking—it is all the same. Prayer is a spontaneous movement from within the soul, leaping forward and upward as naturally as a wave of electricity follows the wire. It is a habit of life, when practiced. For instance,—you are walking on the street or riding in a car and your eye rests upon some person and, like a flash of lightning, your soul is moved and a prayer wings its way to the throne of grace. You are reading a paper or a hook and some thought impresses you, and prayer rises as naturally as the breath from the rose. Yes,—prayer is a life! A life o f fellowship with the risen Christ. Seasons for prayer are desirable. Prayer lists are helpful for every Christian, for they strengthen the prayer habit and produce results. They endear* the people whose names are mentioned to us. ^They enlarge our ‘capacity for sympathy and fellowship. But, alas, so often they are formal and meaningless. Perfunctory prayer is unfortunate in its effect upon the “ pray-er” and the hearer. Beautiful and harmon­ ious phrases may have an appeal to a cultured mind, but, alas, have no association with the Holy Spirit. No man or woman should ever pray in public whose heart is not right with God, for Heaven’s door is shut to such petitions, and they are sacrilege in the sight of God. _ . . . . , , Because prayer is a life, then the life must he clean and the price must be paid for the privilege of access to the throne of God. The prayer life must be prac­ ticed. Just as we seek to keep our bodies m the best shape for service because they are God’s temples, so must we—by the daily exercise o f our souls—keep them sound and vigorous. No greater privilege has ever been accorded to mor­ tal man than that gift of God, through faith in Christ, of the right of access to and fellowship with Him. The humblest follower often finds it easier to live the life than do those of exalted position, for humility is one of the indispensable requisites of real prayer. Often in all night prayer meetings with men we have found that when several hours were spent in getting the hearts right with God, the last two or three hours were filled with blessed fellowship and joyful access to Him. How important it is, then, that the life should

August 1926

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


parade around and give their opinion of a “ God who would create a place of eternal punishment’ And tell what they believe! Of what they propose to bring to pass! In spite of the sadness and sorrow of it all, one can­ not but see the ludicrous side. It is as though a child should keep turning the handle of the bank lock and insist that the door would soon open. What do these prattlers know about Heaven t About hell ! About the plans of the Creator for His creatures,—present or future ? Can they discover them by studying the trees, the rocks, the rivers, the stars! Can they by any means prevent the earthquake, stay the wind, stop the storm, thwart the tornado! Can

in the truest sense, as we journey with Him, by faith, remembering His promise, “ What I do t^hou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter.” The Rugged Road calls for not only loyalty, but love for the Lord. Not a mere profession of Christ as Saviour—although that is essential, of course; not a mere church membership—although every Christian should be in fellowship with some band of believers; and not merely a member of some band of believers, undertaking definite service for Christ—although such are often the most fruitful agencies for God; but the Rugged Road will be traveled by those who definitely surrender their lives to the indwelling Holy Spirit and allow Him, in His fulness, to dominate them; allowing

they even solve the problem of the insects which are becoming an increasing menace in the destruction of v e g e t a t i o n ! Dare t h e y , in fact, trifle with any of the known laws of God! They use g r e a t , swelling, high-sound­ ing words as they tell “ what they think,” but their poor little thinking machines are like an infant’s rattle, for does not God Him­ self say that He will laugh at them! (Prov. 1 :22 -26 ): “ How long, ye sim­ ple ones, will ye love simplicity? a n d t h e »corners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? “ Turn yon at my re- p r o o f : behold, I will pour oat my spirit onto yon, I will make known my words unto you. “ B e c a a s e I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand and no man re­ garded:

Him to take the things of Christ and show them unto them; al­ lowing Him to lead us a l o n g that Rugged Road. As we listen to His voice in the matter and manner of. separa­ tion from the worldly idols and influences which hinder fellow­ ship with Him, we will be **strengthened with m i g h t by the Holy Spirit in the i n n e r man” to keep our eyes upon Him, and our ears open to His call “ Follow Me,” as up the hill and down into the valley, in the midst of sorrows, suf­ fering, self-sacrifice and disappointments, our feet t r e a d the strange, •rough, Rug­ ged R o a d through Time, into Eternity, and into the v e r y presence of Him who will say to us then: “ Thou hast been faith­ ful over a few things; I will make thee ruler


H over many. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. THE KEY TO THE KINGDOM Mr. Pace has given us a most suggestive cartoon this month, and one much needed in this our day, for it is impossible to understand the mind of man without the Bible, and it is impossible to understand the Bible unless one has been “ born again,” through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. The conceptions of God, of Heaven, of man’s rights and titles, in the minds of the unregenerate, are as confused and complicated as the lock to a bank vault, the door of which will never open until the numbers are brought into exact accord with the proper combina­ tion. Christ is God, and His eye searches the hearts of all men. He knows their thoughts. He reads their minds. He beholds the childish, foolish, silly people who

i “ Bat ye have set at nought my counsel, and would none of my reproof. . . “ I also will laugh at your calamity: I will mock wnen your fear cometh.” * Now look again at the cartoon: A locked door, > yes, but a key ! The new birth! Only one key 1 Only ‘ one way! Only one Ruler! Only one abiding-place * for that Ruler and those who are in fellowship with 1 Him His laws are unchangeable. He loves men—poor, i sinful, silly, wilful men! There was but one way by i which they could be brought into harmony with His , will and way. He came here and dwelt among them, j He gave His life gladly in order that sin might be - atoned for. Blood was the price— His own blood! God wants and will have harmony in Heaven—other- l wise, it would not be Heaven. There must be but l one Ruler, one Throne, one Will, one Mind. Then ) there will be perfect peace. No ambition, no avarice,


T H E K I N O ’ S B U S I N E S S

August 1926

Satan knows that he is sentenced to eternal doom and his cohorts with him and so, logically, he seeks to keep his family tree intact. No effort has ever been made to open the eyes of sinful men that Satan has not sought to thwart. The history of the world and of the church is sufficient evi­ dence of this fact. The conflict—from the Garden of Eden to the present day—has been based upon one great principle, recognition of and obedience to God’s law. It js foolish to discuss the question of God’s right to establish laws. They are established, and in the realm of natural law, men know that they must obey them or suffer the penalty. They are not so foolish as to assume to dictate to God what laws He shall make for electricity. They have found it unwise to fool with them and they bow to the inevitable. But when it comes to the laws which God has established in the spiritual realm, men assume a strange, silly, sentimental attitude, which could be inspired by none other than Satan himself. Believing the Bible to be true, and that in it man’s lost condition and God’s remedy for his relief are made clear, what would Satan be most interested in doing today? Would it not be to destroy men’s confidence in God’s Word? Would it not be to minimize the truth concerning Jesus Christ as God manifest in the flesh and His blood offering as the only atonement for sin? Would it not be to seek entrance into the schools and seminaries? Would he not even take off his hat and enter the study of the preacher and teacher and pay them the highest possible compliments? Would he not use the soft pedal continually and propose a policy of peace? What cares he 3! the Virgin Birth and Deity of Jesus Christ and the authority of the Old Book are denied? Does he not know that where the white flag dominates that he will be able to hold his own for hell? Logically, therefore, his most fruitful field of endeavor is in the school and church, and that is where he is doing his deadly, dirty work today as never before. What can we do ? What must we do if we are to be loyal to our Lord? Expose Satan. Tell the truth about him. When the leaders of the professing church fall for his flattery,—reprove, rebuke, reveal the facts, let truth prevail! God pity those who profess to be His followers and fail to stand with Him in this hour of Satan’s ascendency.

no unholy pride, no jealousy! Joy and gladness will fill every heart! A new heaven and a new earth in which dwelleth righteousness! The very thought fills the soul with joyful anticipation and heavenly bliss. But how about the wiseacres who think they are competent to tell God what He ought to do, and who trample under their unholy feet His Holy Word? They must pay the penalty. God has put at their disposal His Holy Word and ip it is His plan for saving men. He can do no more. What is the key to Heaven? Faith in the crucified, risen Christ. “ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” “ God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believ- eth on Him should not perish, but should have ever­ lasting life.” Those who accept God’s gift have the key to eternal life and it is their gracious, precious privilege to offer the key to all men. Hallelujah! What a Saviour and what a salvation! FACING SERIOUS FACTS This is an age of atheistic tendencies,—denial of God’s Word, of God’s authority, of God Himself; an age in which i f is the fashion to treat lightly sacred things, to magnify man and his wisdom and minimize God and His wisdom. New knowledge of God’s great, unchanging laws has increased and intensified man’s faith in himself, and consequently man grows larger and larger in his own estimation, and God and His unchanging Word grow smaller and smaller. He feels perfectly competent to criticize the Bible; change it, trifle with it, and even deny it. How Satan has never changed his attitude toward God or man. He is shrewd, subtle, scientific and seduc­ tive. He knows man and his weakness. He knows God’s program—which has never changed—and he knows the Bible by heart, although he has no heart for i t ; he hates it. Satan’s great business is to deceive men and hurry him as rapidly as possible to hell. If the Bible is true— and it is—what, then, would logically be Satan’s most earnest endeavor? Would it not be to destroy the power of the Word of God? Where would he be apt to work? Among those professing faith in the Bible. What is the center of all Bible truth? A Saviour for sinful men; a law of God by which sinful men can be saved; a law by which they may become possessed of a new nature, taken out o f Satan’s family and transferred to God’s family.

"The very heart o f this disgraceful apostasy, this dethroning o f Christ and enthroning o f the devil is to remove the Holy Spirit from His leadership in the Church and put in unspiritual men as leaders to plan for and direct the Church. The strong hands o f men o f great ability and men with the powers o f leadership have often displaced God’s leadership. The ambition for leader­ ship and the enthronement o f man-leadership is the doom and seal o f apostasy. There is no leadership in God’s Church but the leadership o f the Holy Spirit. The man who has the most o f God’s Spirit is God’s chosen leader, ambitious and zealous for the Spirit’s sovereignty, ambi­ tious to be the least, the slave o f all." ' — E. M . B ounds .

Angust 1926

K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S




.^ jL J u u u u u w ym H q a l

Con t r i bu t ed Ar t i c l e s


“ Gods W a y to a New Revival” DEAN JOHN M. MACINNIS

those means instead of decreasing the distance, serve only to accentuate It, The Holy Eucharist alone will unite these different classes.” This is a reviving of the old sacramental idea of the mass that was the basis of union in the Middle Ages, and a fair and frank reading of history warns us that it is hopeless to look for salvation from that quarter; on the contrary we find that in its working out it prostituted both Church and State and made possible some of the most scandalous pages that disgrace the records of human his­ tory. On the other hand, however, it is true that the hope of the world is in the Son of Man and His promise; but Jesus Christ saves the world not in a mere ritualistic or sacramental display, nor a mere social and bread program, but in a spiritual experience of Jesus Christ as a living reality in life. Like the little colony on the field of Verdun, we must have a fellowship of forgiveness and genuine bro­ therhood where the different interests of the individual nations are forgotten in the white passion for a scheme that is for the common good. The only thing that can save a man or a community of men is the thing that can trans­ form and change a selfish, self-seeking life and make it like “ Him who came not to be ministered unto but to min­ ister, and to give His life a ransom for many.” So far as we are able to learn from a careful Btudy of the human race, a living experience of God in Christ is the only thing that can do that. The very least that we can honestly say is that we know that it can do that thing more effectively than anything else known to human history; Whenever self or class or national interests are put before God, conflict, discord and destruction naturally follow. We must have a center of interest and control that is greater than the interests of any single life or class or nation. Jesus Christ supplies such a center. All life centered in Him and directed by Him is wholesome and constructive. All life contrary to Him and His ideals is in its very nature destructive and full of death to all that is highest and best in life. A living experience of Him as reigning Lord is the only genuine international on the horizon of human think­ ing today. To recognize this is God’s way of revival. When­ ever men have recognized it, history rdcorda a genuine awakening and a new life. God’s way of a new revival therefore must be a recognition of Jesus Christ and His immediate claim upon us. A mere social or ritualistic recog­ nition will not be enough. It must be an experimental recognition, and such a recognition would mean first of all a genuine repentance. No man can come experiencially face to face with Jesus Christ without recognizing that our lack of response to His challenge to us is the reason for the condition of things as they are today. In other words it is our sins that separate between us and God and have resulted in the failure, shame and sorrow that we see on ever; hand. • Until this conviction is burned into our very souls (Continued on page 494)

HIS Is the title of an arresting article in the April 28th issue of the “ Life of Faith." The people of God everywhere feel the need of a visitation from on high. It is seldom that we find in human his­ tory a more acute consciousness of failure than has been present in the minds of the most serious students of world affairs in the last ten years. It is recognized that commun­ ities and nations have been breaking down under the strain of a self-seeking civilization, the real nature of which has been brought to light by the awful realities of one of the greatest wars in the history of civilization. The above article tells of a visit that was made to the battlefield of Verdun where, it is estimated, not fewer than 400,000 men were killed. It gives a picture of the ground torn and cov­ ered with shrapnel and debris and calls attention to the fact that the French at first were discouraged and decided that nothing could be done with this theatre of horror and death. This is a picture of the world in miniature. The real world is a world that is torn and defaced by the strife and greed and selfishness of men. Around us are the graves of millions who have lost their lives and 'their souls in this warfare of sin. The question, What shall we do with this broken world? is ever forcing itself upon the minds of the thoughtful. Like the French in regard to the desolate field at Verdun, we are often tempted to say that nothing can be done for it and to decide to leave it alone, yet on the other hand the undying hope that burns within the human breast does not allow us to rest in this decision. Some way we believe that right must finally prevail, and so men are con­ stantly coming back with plans to save the scarred and broken world. Again referring to the above named article, we have a picture of a little colony of two Germans, one Hungarian, one Swiss, one Frenchman and one Englishman banded to­ gether to engineer a scheme for wiping out the effects of the war in the torn field of Verdun. This was a fellowship of forgiveness and a certain sense of brotherhood that was trying to work out a way of redemption on the field of death. Today we find groups of people everywhere meeting in a sense of common cause to plan out schemes to wipe out the effects of the conflicts of greed, selfishness and sin in the world about us. Some way men feel that there must be a way by which sin and selfishness may be overcome and a life in which men can live together as brethren made possible. In the Eucharistic celebration which ia attracting so much attention in the city of Chicago this year the old Roman Catholic Church is trying to make us believe that the hope of humanity is in getting back to the Church Interpretation of the Eucharist. One speaker, according to the public press, said: "The Holy Eucharist Is necessary to unite the different classes of society which even acts o f benevolence towards the poor and needy are not able to achieve, because


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

August 1926

i W’ - ( h A M ^ ' ^ “ His Name ShalT Be Ca lled Wonderfu l” REV. ARTHUR H. CARTER , D.D. Pastor, Author, Bibit l oacher Dr. Carter, who was the Organizing Secretary of The Bible League, Lbndon, England, now the Pastor o f Hounslow Unde­ nominational Church, and Editor of “ The Bible Witness, is at present on the Pacific Coast ministering to the hearts o f God s people those blessed truths so dear to all believers. It is a pleasure to give our readers this chapter from a recent book from his pen, which so marvelously illuminates the "Wonder­ ful Name of Our Wonderful Lord."

attle o f the war­ confused noise, rolled in blood; be with burn­ l o f fire. For h i l d is born, n is given: and ent s h a l l be oulder : and his be called Won- nsellor, T h e The everlast­ The Prince o f the increase o f ent and peace e no end, upon

" For every be rior is with and garments but this shall ing and fuei unto us a c unto us a soi the governm upon his she name shall l derful, Cou mighty God, ing Father, Peace. Of his governm there shall b i

H DDRESSING the Education Conference at University College, L o n d o n , Canon Barnes, now Bishop of Bir­ mingham, dealt with the subject of “ The Problem of Religious Educa­ tion," his hearers being members oL the Association of University Woman Teachers. The Daily Telegraph, com­ menting on the utterance, remarked: “ Dr. Barnes pleaded earnestly for the modern spirit, for the teaching of re­ ligion in the schools. He had come to the conclusion, he said, that it was highly dangerous to use for didactic purposes such allegories as the crea­ tion of woman, the Daniel stories, a,nd Jonah. ‘It encourages,’ he said, ‘ the prevalent belief that religious people have a low standard of truth* " ! Summarizing his r e m a r k s , Dr. Barnes advanced certain principles for guidance in the teaching of Christian­ ity. “ They could not separate Chris­ tianity from religion in general, and they needed to Inculcate no contempt of other faiths, but the superior wis­ dom and greater moral power of that faith of ours which came from Christ, and to which our civilization at pres­ ent owed such spiritual unity as it now possessed. Further, they could npt isolate Christianity from modern thought, and in particular they could not assert the fherrancy of the Bible. . . . . . They must also with Darwin teach the biological doctrine of evolu­ tion, the development of life on this earth through ten millions of years. . . and finally, the emergence of man from gome ape-like stock. . . In the Old Testament wete also to be found folk­ lore, defective history, half-savage morality, obsolete forms of worship based upon primitive and erroneous ideas of the nature of Qod and crude science. . . . It seemed to him better to postpone the Old Testament part of religious teaching to the later stages;

the throne o f David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The seal o f the Lord o f hosts will perform this ." Isaiah 9:5-7

otherwise children would learn stories like that with which the book of Gen­ esis opened which they would after­ ward discover to be untrue." That such Blatant Rejection of the Fundamentals of the Christian faith should be per­ mitted by one of the great dignitaries of the National Church of England passes comprehension, and only tends to show how deep-seated is the mod-

miraculous creative power from the side of her sleeping spouse, becomes the fair betrayer of their holy trust, and the war that raged between the powers of light and darkness now finds its vantage ground in the corrupt heart of fallen man. Well might the elements moan around that scene, once fairest of all on earth, but now besmirched and cursed by sin. % The Book o f Genesis records these facts in language so simple that even a child can under­ stand, and it behooves us, as custod­ ians of such a vital truth, to lose no opportunity of Imparting such knowl­ edge to the infantile mind and heart. But the Scriptures do not leave us face to face with the conflict without re­ vealing the way of deliverance. Sal­ vation from the consequences of sin and the doom of the lost will be the portion of everyone whose trust is in the Lord. Satan may rage and gloat over the fearful havoc he has wrought, but a way has been cleaved for the soul that trusts in Christ, and ultimate deliverance is as certain as the eternal Throne of God itself. Shivering in Their Shame Jehovah comes with tenderest pity and clothes the guilty outcasts. Blood has been shed, sacrifice has been made, and on the ground of substi­ tutionary atonement our first parents were again able to commune with the Lord they had so egreglously sinned against. But the raging of Satan had

Dr. Arthur H. Cattar

ern disregard for the veracity of Holy Scripture and the authoritative state­ ments of our blessed Lord. Ever since that fateful epoch when Satan, fallen through pride, hurled himself against the wisdom and al­ mighty power of the Throne of God, conflict has raged unceasingly between the forces of evil and the righteous rule of Infinite Authority. The Garden of Eden became the scene of intrigue, and, eventually the battle ground whence rebellious man, inoculated with the spirit of evil, was driven forth by the mighty hand of God. The Creature, seduced by the arts and wiles of the great Adver­ sary, turned against his Creator and must needs suffer the extreme penalty of the Divine law. Woman, God’s chosen companion for man, taken by

August 1926

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the paschal lamb. Christ is in It all. He surmounts every feature and sets forth every lesson. Apart from Him the Exodus has no meaning, and the blood sprinkled doorpost and lintels are unintelligible. How the conflict raged in Egypt and in the wilderness; with what awful maiice Satan repeat­ edly sought the entire destruction of the Lord’s people; and yet in the midst of It all, and following imme­ diately upon the awful thunders of Mount Sinai the Tabernacle is reared, a monument in every detail of Its beautiful make-up to the Covenant-Keeping Jehovah who will never allow His people to perish, and who gives them constant reminders of His infinite mercy and grace. We pass once more over long ages, and many an interesting point until we reach the point from whence this chapter commences. Israel is on the verge of utter collapse, internecine war is working its deadly havoc, Israel in association with Syria seeks the complete destruction of Jerusalem, and in the hour of peril Isaiah, mar­ velously prepared for his mission, by his entrance into the holy presence, comes forth with a new message of comfort and hope. War and blood­ shed and horror may rage around, but into the heart of it a glorious truth is proclaimed and a great promise held out. A Son Shall be born, a Child shall be given, and upon His shoulders shall rest authority and power and glory such as the worla has never seen. “ The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” .9%-' m LAY HOLD OF ETERNAL LIFE In the name of Him who purchased it, and offers it, and urges you to Ac­ cept of it, I entreat you to lay hold of eternal life. He promises it now— to-day; but not to-morrow. The angels hovered, on wings o f astonishment, over a Saviour’s lowly cradle, and around His bloody cross; may they not be as much astonished to see a man refuse a crown of glory as they were to see the Son of God wearing the crown of thorns? Oh, what would the damned, the devils give for the offer you hesitate to accept? Why destroy your souls? Why scorn the love of JesuB? Why provoke a loving and long-suffering God to say, My spirit shall not any longer strive with that man— his blood be on his own head— he is joined to his idols, let him alone.—Guthrie.

Ar«opa|Ui, Where Paul Preached "And they took him (Paul), and brought him unto Areopagus, saying. May we know what this new doctrine, whereot thou speakest. Is?’ (Acts 17:19). How good It is to rest the eye on the place where that man o f God to whom Christ spoke from Heaven— bore faithful witness to Him. If our ears were but open, who knows but that He might speak a message to us, also, and send us on our way rejoicing? This picture came to us recently from Athens, Greece, on a postal card which bore the following message: "Please remember us Armenian refugees In your prayers. Your son In Christ, John H. Adjemlan, Pastor, Armenian Refugees, P. O. Box 51, Athens, Greece. Pray for this man and for all others who are,seeking to'spread the Gospel y of the Son of God. —T.C.H.

rifices are being offered, and out of all the horror of so terrible an event the Gospel of the grace of God sounds forth anew. And now the conflict takes another form. A lonely man is singled out for communion and fellowship with the Lord Jehovah. His idolatrous sur­ roundings are left behind, and he comes forth the progenitor of a race whose mark is clearly recognized world wide today. For him the test­ ing time must needs come, the Lord must needs try His servant that he may be fit for the mighty work of faith that must yet be wrought, and so, in his old age, he wends his weary way with heavy heart towards Mount Moriah. The child of promise, the well-beloved son, is stretched upon that altar with divinely inspired sub­ missive grace, and father and son with marvellous faith inborn of the Spirit of God are prepared for the one great fact that should make the resurrec­ tion a glorious fact. Substitutionary Atonement once more .becomes the outstanding lesson, and Christ is magnified, and God is glorified, and man is saved. Space will not allow of further ex­ position of the various instances in which the Lord appeared to Abraham; the altars o f Jacob; and the typical lessons of the life of Joseph. We must needs pass on to the land of overshadowing wings where, out of sorrow, judgment, and woe a nation comes forth redeemed by the blood of

- by no means ended. He had com­ menced a campaign which will last throughout the ages until he shall he finally cast into the Lake of Fire. The mystery of Divine permission is re­ vealed, and while evil remains the tri­ umphs of the Lord continue, and will enhance the paeans of eternal praise. Again the storm clouds gather, and the conflict rages in the heart of Cain. Abel stands forth in all the manly courage of a regenerated faith, and claims the merits of atoning blood alone. His martyrdom m a r k s the commencement of that phase of the mighty conflict with the powers of darkness in which multitudes of the redeemed of the Lord have gladly laid down their lives in ‘maintenance of the great fundamental principle. “ By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he ob­ tained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh” (Hebrews 1 1 :4 ) . Generations Roll On and the world, seething in iniquity and wickedly rejecting the messengers of the Lord, falls beneath the terrible Judgment of the Flood, an event which has left its mark, world-wide, upon the surface of the earth, even to the pres­ ent time. Surely Satan has conquered here, yet out of the upheaval of mighty con­ tinents and ocean depths the Ark is seen bearing to safety the little house­ hold of faith, and soon the altar fires are blazing, the specially provided sac­

THE ' K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

August 1926


The Passing of a South Sea Island Heathen Chief REV. MAURICE FRATER Missionary to the New Hebrides under the John G. Paton Mission Fund; author of “ Midst Volcanic Fires” and “ Won by Blood,“ two thrilling tales of the Winning of the New Hebrides for Christ. E jgn FEW days after our return from furlough a mes- 9 sage came from the chief of the tribe of Topulai V that he was very ill and would like me to visit him Ul as soon as possible. It was a great surprise to me to learn that old Hungai was still in the land of the living. He had been ill for many years, and when I sailed for Australia he seemed to be dying of consumption, with only a short time to live. I had heard nothing about him in the Interval and concluded that he had passed into the "region of the shadows." Hungai Sivi came of the lineage of chiefs, and at the height of his power was the most influential man on the island of Paama. At the time of our first landing, twenty- four years ago, he was the Dictator of the Island. Heathen worship flourished under his patronage, and it was his dream by night and ambition by day to make his ancestral abode a central shrine to which might repair worship­ pers from the surrounding island, to be initiated into the mysteries of heathenism. So infatuated was he with the heathen cult with which his line of chieftain forbears had been identified, that he could brook no rival form of worship. The first attempts to establish Christian worship were frustrated by him, and many years elapsed before the Mission obtained a footing. Even when native teachers had effected a settlement at the north end of the island he persecuted them and their con­ verts most bitterly. Strangely enough, he had a streak of cunning in his nature which made him most courteous and patronising to foreigners. Jin my dealings with1him, which were fre­ quently of a controversial nature, I always found him the perfect gentleman; and had I but known less of his bitter and persecuting spirit, I could have joined hands with the passing tourists and hailed him as a bright specimen of the noble savage. Naturally enough, such a nature had no capacity for the religion of the soul, and he remained adamant to the claims of Jesus Christ. He had not time ifor God, and apparently no need for the consolation of the Gospel. He demanded and obtained despotic obedience from his tribes­ men, and their unswerving loyalty to their chief made Topulai the last of the tribes of Paama to give allegiance to Jesus Christ. When at last the day came and the tribesmen broke away to join the new Christian community he still stood out, with a tenacity worthy of a better cause, defiant and unconquerable. When his message came, I began to wonder if bis long illness had softened his heart and made him amenable to the play of Christian Influences. It was however with some trepidation that I approached the village of Topulai, on the outskirts of which, overlooking the sea, I found the old man reclining on a bed of cocoanut leaves which had been laid for him on the ground in the kindly shade of a leafy mango tree.

Two of the wives and several clansmen stood by in con­ stant attendance. In his weakness I found him still the gentleman and chieftain. His face beamed as I approached, and he held out a wasted hand to welcome me. Could it be that his hostility to Christ and Christian worship was wan­ ing? Was he now anxious to learn about the Gospel for himself? , I was some time in his company before 1 ventured to talk about his soul. Though feeble and emaciated, his mind was clear, and for one so weak, he spoke with animation. He was conscious that, life was ebbing, and that[ even now he was within sight of the sea upon which he must so soon sail. I could see that his faith in the spirits, on whose good­ will and protection he once set such great store; was gone, and that he was disturbed by nameless wants and fears. He felt that he was in the dangerous undertow with whose dangers he had so often grappled in the days of his youth. What he wanted was a haven of peace beyond the sweep of the gales and out of the swirl of the*sea. I spoke to him of thq. Rock, sure and steadfast, which had been the refuge of men in all ages and countries, and told him that it contained a place for him. I repeated a few of the gracious invitations of the Saviour, like, “ Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest;" “ Let him that heareth say, Come," and assured him that even though he had resisted so long, the invitation

August 1926

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to insert one more invitation and assuranceso that no one however rebellious and far wandering, might feel th a t he was left out: “ And the Spirit and the bride say. C o m e . And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that Is atttte« come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely” (Rev. 22:17). . , • Surely, it was for such as old Hungai Slvl, cannibal persecutor, that our Lord reiterated the gracious Invitation. “ Stay,” the Lord Jesus seems to say; “ Stay! put not on the seal till there first be put In one more Invitation to the weary and sin-laden, and let It be as wide as the heart of God can make It. Assure even the rebel savage In the South Seas who has withstood me so long, that I hi» Bro­ ther, the Morning Star of the Resurrection, now Risen and Enthroned In Heaven, w ill be his Saviour and Friend." _ Ten days later, the native who brought the chieftain s message, returned with the news that after a calm and peaceful night, Hungai Sivl’s soul took its departure at the dawning of the day. Would not the evolutionist professor, teacher, and minis­ ter who hitherto has had it all his own way, with pone to raise objections, to ask questions or to challenge any of his wild statements, find the sledding a bit harder if he knew that his pupils, their parents, his parishioners, the level­ headed, reading, thinking members of his community, had ready access to and were reading “ authorities” on the other side? The arch-leader of the opposition (Eph. 6:12) is very shrewd (Gen. 3 :1 ). He well knows that if only he can in­ oculate the teachers, they, through the schools, will within one generation “ spread the infection into every corner of the land.” For "what the schools and colleges teach today, the world will believe tomorrow.” As said St. Paul (2 Cor. 3 : 11), “ We are on to his tricks!” In former days when great prairie fires were a frequent menace, we anticipated or met them by “ counter fires.” In advance of the devouring terror, we burned off a broad strip, leaving nothing upon which the fire could feed. Wh«n it reached that “ safety zone" behind which were our homes, our families, our stock, oUr barns and stacks, its fury was spent. It could not do further harm. Why is it not still good strategy to protect our homes, our children, our nation, by some such “ counter maneuver” ? Is it not at least worth trying? (Eccl. 11:6). It can do no harm in any event. Sincerely yours for true science, based upon facts, not upon bold assumptions, wild speculations, “ pure figments of the imagination” (Fleischmann). ToUrs sincerely, HOMO SAPIENS (The “ Garden Variety,” not a “ sport" from the Jungle, or the swamps!) m m Who will join the risen Lord in the service of intercession T The greatest difficulty in the way o f practical conversion of men may not be in God’s eye so much a barrier o f ungodliness among the heathen, as a barrier o f unbelief among Hxs own disciples!—A. T. Pierson. - ..

to come still stood, and that the amazing thing about Christ was, that without a word of rebuke, He was pleased to accept the fag ends of a wasted life. By the time I was ready to go, a crowd of his followers had assembled round the couch of their dying chieftain and, at my request, we had united prayer, committing Hun- gal’s soul to the care of the great Pilot. As I rose from his bedside, Hungai’s face had a smile of peace and, In the presence of his followers, he uttered only one word, but that word was an expression of adventurous faith— “ Nln- demcatl” (I am trusting). He had overcome his fear of the spirits and was willing to take the risk of venturing forth on God. As I returned home from the touching Interview there came to my remembrance tke thrilling passage in the closing sentences of the Book of Revelation. The end has been reached and the seal is about to be put on the book. But Christ stays the hand of the angel and commands him

m i li Éà A Suggestion . . . . .Worth Trying? JOHN GRAHAM REID, A.M., PH.D. Spokane, Waahington

HERE are many very able books, pamphlets, etc., exposing the fallacies, the absurdities of Organic Evolution; or to be more precise, the several “ Evolutionary Hypotheses.” But who sees them? Who reads them? Not the exponents of Evolution, appar- • ently. If they do, they keep very quiet about it! The only recognition observable is either a supercilious dismissal, as “ Not deserving serious consideration” ! or a more significant silence! Unanswered, . . . . because unanswerable? How many have access to them? They are not In the Public Libraries or Reading Rooms. In one really fine Public Library of about 150,000 volumes, I counted forty- six titles expounding or defending Evolution, and only two on the other side! The popular magazine— the metropol­ itan newspapers, the great syndicates, yes, and a number of religious periodicals,—while giving unlimited space to Brisbane, Burbank, Free, Van Loon, Wells, Osborn, Conklin, Fosdlck, et al, will not accept for publication articles on the other side” in rebuttal. Nor do they with any fairness report lectures, debates, meetings, etc., opposing evolution; if, indeed, they notice them at all. Thus is It of deliberate calculation that the impression is made upon the public that there is nothing to be said "on the other side,” that, in fact, there Is no “ other side;” that, “ all scientists of repute accept evolution as a settled fact. In view of these facts, I venture this suggestion: Why could not a few earnest Christian men in each com­ munity who appreciate the gravity of the menace con­ fronting us in the unopposed dissemination of this false philosophical theory masquerading under the name of “ Sci­ ence” (1 Tim. 6:20, 21), club together, and, at an expense by no means burdensome if distributed among say ten or fifteen, create a fund of say $10.00, *16.00. *20.00, or even *30.00, with which to purchase and place in the Libraries, Public or High Schools of their community— where they would be accessible to every one—some of the strongest of these book* “ on the other side” ? Such, for example, as those of O’Toole, More, Fairhurst, Williams, Bryan, Allen. Dr. A. I„ Brown* et al.

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