King's Business - 1926-08

August 1926



New Auditorium Eaatland Baptlat Church, Wow Under Construction, w ill coat •300,900.00, and w ill be {•« the la rg eit church auditorium In Naehvllle.

The Rev. Britton Ross Is pastor of the church, having assumed the pastorship on November 1,1924. Since that time, the* church has Increased largely In membership. During the summer, services have been held In a large tent, with the regular Sunday attendance exceeding 1»000 each week.

When the excitement was partly over, he turned to one of the men and said: "Well, you were all packed and ready!” And the man said: “ You see, Boss Wild (the second in com­ mand) never gave up hope, and when­ ever the sea was all clear of ice he rolled up his sleeping bag and said to all hands, ‘Roll up your sleeping bags, boys; the boss may come to­ day......... And so it came to pass,” said Shackleton, "that we suddenly came out of the fog and from a black out­ look, in an hour all were safely home­ ward bound.” Oh! my friends, you and I must keep awake, and my message to. you is, "Roll up your sleeping bags; the Lord may come today." It may not be till tomorrow, next week, next year, we do not know when, but you may be quite sure that He in whom we trust with all our minds and with all our hearts will not faii us. "My soul, wait thou only upon God, for my expecta­ tion is from Him.” ARE YOU PACKED AND READY? "FOR IN SUCH AN HOUR AS YOU THINK NOT THE SON OF MAN WILL COMB.” ,

ice was between him and the island; he could not get near it. He had promised his men to come, and he was not able to come,' but he could not rest. Though the season was adverse, though they told him it was impossible to get there, that the ice barrier was thick between, in his little boat “ Yal- cho” he tried it again. It was the wrong time of the year, but, strange to say, he did get nearer to the island; there was an open ave­ nue between the sea and the place where he had left his men; he ran his boat in at the risk of being nipped, got his men, all of them, on board and came out again before the ice crashed to. It w & b all done in half an hour.

be prepared for the Master’s coming. The bride may not comprehend all her Bridegroom’s movements in advance, nor know a long time ahead the day of His coming, but she will know long enough ahead to be robed and ready to welcome Him when He comes. We are emphatically exhorted to be "not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.’’ God is speak­ ing loudly in these last few years, and a new note of warning has suddenly fallen upon our ears which is loud enough to wake us from our long dream of security and isolation and to call us to prepare to take our part in the crisis which is coming so rapidly and so solemnly upon the church of Jesus Christ and the world. "Watch, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man will come." “ Even so, come, Lord Jesus." When Shackleton was driven back from bis quest for the South Pole, he left bis men on Elephant Island, and promised to come back for them. Working his way as best he could to South Georgia, he tried to get back to his men to fulfill his promise, and failed; tried again and failed. The

A subscriber in Frederick, Md., has this to say: " I praise the Lord for The King’s Business, for the food it contains for my soul. I pray the Lord to bless the editors, writers, and managers o f The King’s Business w i t h His richest blessings.”

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