King's Business - 1926-08


August 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

I believed to be God’s will, everything would go smoothly, and I finally con­ cluded that I would consecrate to die, for certainly I could never live under so much responsibility, and if I had made a mistake, and it was not His will for me to build, I would never know how again to - get His will. A friend reminded me that when Jesus sent His disciples out onto the Sea of Galilee, he knew a storm would arise, and that one could be in His will and meet with many difficulties, so I took courage to press through. During all this time I definitely prayed that God would send some one to rent the house that needed it, and would enjoy the place. There was not anything for rent at that time, and I thought some one might need to live here, so their children could go to the seminary. As the house drew near to completion, I advertised the house I was living in for rent. A lady provi­ dentially stopped in a real estate office to rest a few minutes from her house­ hunting, and picking up the paper, saw ray advertisement and phoned me. She only wanted two rooms, and I told her l did not see how 1 could rent two rooms, as the house was not arranged for two parties. She was anxious to see them, anyway, and started to come, but, it being a mile and a half walk from where she was, she only came part vway that day. A man having a wife and child looked at the house, but six rooms were too much. Another party wanted it for nine months. They were very desirable people, but they did not want it furnished, and I felt I simply could not take out the furniture. I didn’t believe they were the ones God wanted. A few days later, going out to water a friend’s horse hitched out front, I observed a woman looking at the house. She proved to be the one that had phoned. I said, "Of course, you can see it, now that you are here, but you will not want it."- But she did want the two rooms upstaim, and offered me five dollars a month for them unfurnished, which would give me the furniture I lacked for my other house. I looked to the Lord for wisdom, and concluded to phone to the man that didn’t need so much room, to see if he would take the four rooms down­ stairs, and let that lady pass through his part to go out. He was out, but, as I took her over to the car line, I met him and made the proposition to rent the four rooms for ten dollars.

say, "It is no use, I’ll have to give it up." But each morning I would feel rested and go at it again. Finally, I thought to ask the Lord what His will was, and each test I made seemed to show me it was His will. I said, "Lord, if it is your will, cause Mrs. -------to be willing to loan me $200.00." She telephoned me I could have it. So I felt it was settled, and, although my body was weak, I must go through. The next day it providentially hap­ pened that my son, who was a cerpen- ter,. was out of work for awhile, not being able to get some inspections done on the building where he was working. So, with the help of some other carpenters, the work proceeded. Several times during the building, it seemed as though I could never live through it, there were so many things to look after, as I had the two rooms upstairs in the house I was living in to finish off. How Satan hindered! Twice the plumbing had to be changed; the plumber said he had never had such luck in his life, and did not know what the matter was, unless it was because he was full of the devil, but the Lord kept me steady and patient. The plumber afterwards told his wife that he was convinced that there was something in Christianity, for he had seen how one could be kept in very trying circumstances, and shortly afterwards he joined the church. Once I was very much perplexed. Always before, when I had done what “ GOD’S WAY” AND THE “ WAY OF THE WORLD” There was a church in our town Which thought 'twas wondrous wise, It tried to pay expenses By selling clothes and pies; But after years of trying That plan to raise the cash. The folks got tired of buying And the whole thing went to smash. There was a church in our town And it was wondrous wise; It always paid expenses By simply paying TITHES. For when ’twas found the tithe did pay It seemed so very plain, Forthwith 'twould have no other way Not ever once again. "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of Hosts, If I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."— (Malachl 3:10). ) — Selected.

would give, to one person having a restaurant. I looked to find a cow In the advertisements, and phoned a man I would go to look at the one he had. I had my things on to go when a neighbor stopped in to tell me her troubles. I felt I should listen and try to help her, and trust God to keep that cow, if she were the one I needed. I was late getting there, Just in time to see the cow being led away. I told the man I wanted a big milker, and he had in the pasture another that was due to come fresh in about a week. She would give twenty-four quarts dally. This was much better than the one he bad just sold, and she was a beautiful cow, just the kind I had a l w a y s wanted. The man who owned the cows agreed to bring her to me, as he was to bring her from the pasture that day, so as to have her home when she came fresh. On the way home, I asked the Lord to hurry her up if He could, for every day I didn’t have her meant the loss of several dollars, and I did not want to lose my customer. The man telephoned me that night he found she had her calf when he went for her. Later on I decided it was best to sell two of the cows; then, later still, I grew very tired of washing milk dishes. I was telling the Lord about it one morning. I was not quite will­ ing to sell the cow, as I thought maybe I would need the money she made for me, some time, even if I did not need it then. That day the cow took very sick and finally keeled over on her back with her legs up in the air. I said, "Lord, if you will heal her, I’ll sell her.’’ The Lord healed her, and the man from a dairy, that I had sent for to doctor her, bought her and paid me more than I had paid, cows having advanced in price. That ended the dairy business. I never lost a cent in the six years, and I hardly ever had more milk left over than I could use. If I got a new customer and did not have enough milk, I would buy it to supply them, for I knew some one was going to quit in a few days. It always happened that way. I did not usually solicit for my customers, but one time when I did, I had trouble to collect, but got it finally. The Second House Some time later I decided it would be a good idea to build over a barn, that I had no use for, into a small house, either to rent or live in, but as I tried to plan it, I grew so weary that I concluded if I did not have enough strength to plan it, I could never stand it to have it built. Each night I would

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