King's Business - 1926-08

465 I

August 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

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In t e r e s t in g S t o r ie s f r o m R e a l E x p e r i e n c e -------------As told by Bible Institute Workers

BIBLE WOMEN S WORK Mrs. L y m a n Stewart, Supt.— Twenty-five Women Engaged in House to House Personal Work. Bible Classes and Soul Winning Clubs. readers of The King’s Business: Perhaps some of you are not acquainted with the var­ ied phases of the Bible Women's work and would like to know more about them. The Euodia dub s The Euodia Clubs represent the work among the High School girls. The “ Lyceum-Eteri” Clubs represent work among business girls, teachers, etc. between the ages of fifteen and thirty-five, meeting together once each week for supper and a Bible study hour and for Christian fellowship. There are twelve of these clubs in var­ ious cities near Los Angeles. Then there are the Neighborhood Bible Classes, for women— wives and mo­ thers— in the homes of the people. The late Mrs. T. C. Horton originated the idea of having Neighborhood Bible Classes. She wanted a work to be car­ ried on similar to the Zenana work for women in India. A Christian hostess is first secured who will open her home and Invite her friends and neighbors to come in and Join her in a class for Bible study and prayer. The result is that women gather together in groups, bringing their children with them. The women are relieved of the care of their lit­ tle ones during the study period by a young woman assigned to take charge of them. The minimum at­ tendance is twelve, but the numbers vary. There were twenty-six adults and eleven children present at one class last week Are there results? Here are a few. Five members of one family are now attending church. There were two conversions l a s t month. Through the study of the Bible the members become desirous of seeing souls born again and are willing to give out tracts, Gospels of John, and do personal work. One class is sponsoring a Boys’ Club and a Home Class for little children. Some of the membecp take up the. Correspondence Courses of the Bible Institute Correspondence School, and others become regular students of the Institute. The Eteri Clubs The Lord has blessed the Eteri work especially this year, and it has been the Joy of the Eteri teachers to see many promising young women find the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, and Master of their lives. In one of the Clubs the Lord used what seemed at first to bb a great dis­

appointment, to be the means of sav­ ing a fine girl of High School age, and He has steadily built her "up in the faith until now she is a good, strong Christian. The disappointment was that the club had hoped to have a bas­ ket-ball team organized and directed by the Eteri Club. The teacher and advisor of the club felt sure that it would not be wise to have the team bear the Eteri Club name for fear that anything that happened that might bring disrepute to the team would re­ flect on the work of the Club and might hinder the Christian testimony of the Club. The girls were encour­ aged to have their team if they wanted to but they were urged to take a dif­ ferent name than “ Eteri” for the team. Disappointment reigned for a week or so, but it was soon dispelled when one of the girls that they had brought into the Club for membership in order that she might play on tho team was soundly converted and decided that she wanted to be an Eteri girl regard­ less of the athletic part of it. Since that night the girl has hardly missed a meeting of Eteri and has made full and complete surrender of her life to the Lord, and her testimony has en­ couraged many other girls to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. So God can use all kinds of means to bring girls to Himself, and can even use disappointments to accomplish His purposes. Week by week the dear Lord is leading in girls and young women, and by His power is convicting them and claiming them for His own. An­ other Joy and delight is that He is leading many young women in the Clubs to surrender their lives to Him for definite Christian service, and each year when school opens we see girls turning their steps toward institutions of Christian training, and later taking up the work that the Lord has for them to do. Pray for Eteri! The “ Nuntius” (Messenger) Clubs Two of the boys in one of the Nun­ tius Clubs have come to the Lord since our last report. One of the boys had been attending the Club ir­ regularly for two years, but the teacher had not had the right oppor­ tunity to talk with him regarding his relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. One night he told us that he would go to the hospital the following week for a slight operation on his knee, and the Club members all as­ sumed that the injury was a minor one Incurred on the athletic field. We prayed for him, sent him letters, and visited him, and he seemed to be get­ ting along nicely when the teacher was greatly surprised to learn through a member of the family that the opera­ tion had been found to be a growth of

a cancerous nature, and that the boy’ s days on earth were numbered— and we were not assured that he was saved. And so we wrote him a letter tell­ ing him that now he had time to think, we wanted him to seriously con­ sider the question of his relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ, and settle the matter definitely. A copy of the tract “ Come Unto Me” was enclosed, with the request that after he made his decision, he so Indicate on the tract. And then we went to prayer for him. A week passed, ten days, and then a return of. the addressed stamped envelope that had accomp­ anied the letter, and in it the tract with its form of decision for Christ signed. A few weeks later the boy re­ turned to the Club on his crutches, with a shining face. He does not know now the serious nature of his trouble, fior that his days here will soon be ended, but he does know the Lord Jesus Christ, who will welcome him Home some day. The other boy was a little High School “ scrub” who had been brought to the Club meeting by one of the older boys. He had not yet received his Testament,— which is given to the boys when they have attended the meetings four consecutive weeks, thus qualifying for membership in the Club, when he came in early one even­ ing, and the teacher had an oppor­ tunity to present the claims of the Lord Jesus Christ to him. He came to the Lord bo simply and easily that there was almost a temptation to fear that the work was not genuine, but after results show clearly that he was genuinely saved, and is standing for the Lord in a home which is absolutely Godless. m SPANISH WORK Robert H. Bender, Supt.— Gospel Meetings and House to House work among $0,000 Mexicans in Los Angeles and Vicinity “ The aervant o f the Lord must not atrlvei ba t be gentle on to all men, apt to teach, patient, In meebneaa Instruct­ ing those that oppose themselves j If God peradventure w ill g iv e them repentance to the ackn ow ledging o f the truth.’* W a g flOW often have we proved this H^EL m text of Scripture in our deal- I m | lng with the Mexican people. P A case is in hand of one of the men of our Bible class. Recently he was led to call on an old friend who was quite sick. After con­ versing with his friend he gave his testimony and read the Scriptures to him. While he was doing this, in an adjoining room were several of the women, listening to what- our friend had to say. Although he did not ask for a decision he left the result with the Lord, and evidently the Holy Spirit

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