King's Business - 1926-08


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S _______________________ August 1926

mount, and will receive His com­ mendation and consequent fruitful­ ness. Sad, indeed, to watch the multi­ tude pass by, for whom the Son of God died on the Cross, and realize how comparatively few care for their souls, of those who profess to enjoy the benefits of His redeeming grace. At Blola Hall we are endeavoring to bring the message to this great mass of unchurched. Our students accost them as they pass the door, and also sound out the note •of warning and gracious invitation from the open en­ trance. Rarely a day passes without some visible response to this personal touch. Of course, it is a tough job, biit the very difficulties challenge the soldier of the cross; the weak fall by the wayside, and the rest have their spiritual muscles developed and made hard, for a good piece of steel can stand the heat of the fire, and the trial of faith is much more precious than gold that perisheth, and will be found unto praise and glory at His appear­ ing. Fifteen men and boys took their first step in the life of faith last week here as the result of this personal touch. One of our soul winners, when he can get off from his job for a day now and then, makes this his headquarters for seed sowing. His example is being followed by many of like mind, and the reaping invariably follows. Still another comes regularly for his spir­ itual inspiration and for his supply of ammunition; he then makes his way to the plaza, and as he speaks Spanish fluently, never falls to land his man. Brought up in a religion of supersti­ tion and profound ignorance of the Word of God, but gloriously translated into the kingdom of the Son of His dear love, he is splendidly fitted to lead these souls out of darkness to light. With a face fairly beaming with Joy he burst in upon us the other day, having won five men that after­ noon to see the finished work of the Lord Jesus and take the assurance of eternal life from the Word of the liv­ ing God. Another illustration of the advan­ tages of the personal touch: One afternoon recently there were four splendid messages given from our en­ trance. We noticed one man in par­ ticular who stuck it out. In the per­ sonal touch we found him perfectly willing, and even hungry to have us talk to him about spiritual things, readily' agreeing with all we set be­ fore him, but unless we had penetrated to the real difficulty in our searching he would have passed out of our life untouched. The man was in a state of despondency and despair. Nothing he had listened to during those four mes­ sages impressed him, but the loving, sympathetic touch brought the confes­ sion of a sin which had crept into his life in the early years of his professed Christian experience, and utterly ignorant of his Bible and its teach­ ing, he had no way to combat the sub­ tle whisperings of the adversary. He believed there was absolutely no way back to the Father’s house. We shall not soon forget the utterly hopeless wail in his voice as he poured out the story of his shame and suffering. He was perfectly unconscious of the pass- (Contlnued on page 486)

carry on the work, as the people have no one else to teach them. We are asking the Lord to provide u b with a lantern in order to get the people in larger numbers to hear the Gospel. We are contemplating issuing a prayer sheet, in which we hope to send out word concerning thè progress of the work, also requests for definite prayer. We shall be glad if any of the friends desiring to be real helpers through prayer will drop us a line, so we can send you a copy of every issue. m m BIOLA HALL David Cant« Supt.— Our City Mission for Men in the center o f L os Angeles. Meetings con ­ tinuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. ih. N oon-day Prayer Meeting. “ He Touched Me and Made Me Whole** ® NE is impressed in reading through the Gospels, espe­ cially Matthew and Mark, with the fact that the per­ sonal touch of the Lord Jesus is made so prominent by the writers. We read over and over again, "Jesus touched him," and whether it was the hand, the tongue, the ear, the eyes, or t-he very bier upon which the body rested, all were made whole at once. It is this personal touch with men, stained and wrecked with sin, which in our day brings definite and effec­ tual salvation, surely and speedily. We all realize how increasingly diffi­ cult it is becoming to gather the pro­ fessedly unsaved and unchurched into our buildings to listen to the message of grace from the heart of those who are burdened for souls, in spite of all the fine music, beautiful surroundings, expenditure of money for advertising, earnest prayer, and personal invita­ tion. We are realizing more and more we must carry the message to the high­ ways and hedges if we are to be true to our stewardship before we are called to render an account. Some of us were thrilled in reading a few weeks ago of the coming to­ gether of over thirty-five pastors in a distant city with a determination to mount soap boxes, and carry their message to the man on the street— not to the exclusion of feeding the sheep in their own churches, but lay­ ing aside some of the less important things, thus making room to obey the command "go ye." This we are sure is building accord­ ing to the pattern laid down in the

performed hie office work, for on bis return visit he found a different at­ mosphere in the home and the sick man and the women rejoicing in their new found joy, having accepted) the Saviour. Glory be to His precious name. We have great reason to re­ joice for what the Lord is doing through His Word. We have received several letters from our men in Mexico. One of the men to whom we had sent an offering was very anxious to get out and visit some of the ranches, but as he had no money it was necessary to go to work and make provision for his family. On receiving a check he immediately left his work, and with tracts and gos­ pels went out in the work of the Lord, and reported the conversion of seven souls as the result of this trip. On his return to the town where he lives five more accepted the Lord on learn­ ing of the provision that he had re­ ceived, saying that their priest instead o f ' helping the poor expect them to give to the priest. The mother of one of the members of our Bible Class began to invite the children into her home in Mexico, and taught them the Word of God. In this way a great many of the parentB began to attend the meetings, so that she organized a Sunday School. She wrote to her son and told him that she ’ had but one Testament, and the people were so anxious to read it that she had to loan it to a different family each day, and asked if it were possible to send her somff Testaments and song books. So we got busy and sent her a supply of Testaments and song books, and we have received letters of great appreciation. Another member of our Bible Class writes of having visited with the Word of God six new villages where no one has ever penetrated with the gospel message, and tells of the great hunger of the people for the 'Word of God, and how the people beg him to stay longer or else come back soon. We still have another man who, see­ ing the great need, wished he could have all his time to give to the work of the Lord. To this end he asks us if we can send him a washing ma­ chine, because he has the contract of doing the washing for the miners in the town where he is located, and with this convenience his family would be able to earn the living and he could have all the time for the work of the Lord. These two men are desirous of building a chapel in the place in which they live, as they have already gath­ ered a group of believers, and feel they must have a house of prayer. If there is one thing we covet more than anything else it is prayer, for prayer changes things. So we would ask our friends to remember us in prayer, first that God may give us His wisdom in the direction of the work, both at home and in Mexico, as we see the growth of this work through the na­ tives. Also that the Lord will provide for all the needs as the work pro­ gresses. And if it please the Lord, that a washing machine may be pro­ vided to help in the support of one of the workers. Also that the Lord may restore to health the lady who has started the Sunday School, so she can

This enthusiastic commenda­ tion comes from Wyoming: “ God bless The King’s Busi­ ness. I love to read it. It is a God send to me and I pray that it may reach to the far ends of the earth. It is the most wonderful magazine I ever saw. Again I say God bless the editors o f such a paper.”

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