King's Business - 1926-08

August 1926


K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


nephew had nbt welcomed them to our village and then introduced them to me, how would I ever have heard this doctrine of saving grace? How could I have obtained the Joy that I am ex­ periencing tonight? Our ancient writers say, ‘An evening spent with a learned man is of more value than ten years spent in studying books.’ Of how much greater value it is to receive personal instruction in this doctrine of heaven! I am fully determined to be­ lieve in Jésus, and I beg you teachers to give me fuller instruction in the Word of God." Again they were preaching in a pri­ vate home when some fishermen came in, in all about thirty persons. The evangelists write: “ These fishermen certainly were like Peter and James, for as soon as they heard the story of Jesus they were ready to confess their sins and to believe on Him.” An Enthusiastic Disciple On still another occasion they were in the home of a cousin of Mr. Hu Hsin’s, a young man of twenty-two years, also named Hu. This young Mr. Hu is a literary man, a graduate of an influential school and a man who has bitterly opposed the Gospel. However, as a cultured gentleman he listened courteously to the presentation of the Gospel; the message of the Cross touched his heart, and he said: “ I am ready to confess my sins and believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour. On hearing your clear presentation of the truth I realize that I should with all the enthusiasm- of my being become a disciple of Jesus Christ.” One Month’s Work Dear friends, I have given you Just a few of the Incidents connected with one month’s work of one of our Biola Evangelistic Bands. During the month the men of this Band made 1892 visits in the homes of the people, held preaching services every evening, and conducted separate Bible classes every evening for men, for women and for children. The men in the twelve other Bands, and the women of the Women’s Band, are doing the same kind of work. Oh, let us daily support these faithful workers by our prayers, and let us pray for the young converts too that they may diligently study the Word and so grow in grace and in the knowledge of God and of our Sav­ iour Jesus Christ. Most truly yours in Him, Frank A. Keller. Changsha, Hunan, China.

This group of consecrated Gospel messengers comprises the membership of Blola Evangelistic Band No. 4, of whose labors Dr. Keller writes so encour­ agingly In the accompanying article. Shall we not pray earnestly *°r and for him. that in these days of China S unrest, the mesBageofSavlng Grace which radiates from the notable center of evangelistic effort of which he is the directing head, may find its way into many other hungry hearts and homes in that great land.

There is a Gospel Hall in that place to which I have gone occasionally, but some way I have never understood what they were talking about. Now you teachers have made it all so plain; we simply need to believe in Jesus, He loves those who love Him, and He is ready to save all those who truly be­ lieve in Him. These words have filled my heart with Joy, and I have decided to become a disciple of Jesus Christ.” “ The Doctrine of Heaven” Some time later Mr. Hu Hsin in­ troduced the preachers to his uncle, Mr. Chou Li Chuan, a man seventy- eight years of age. They went to his home and over fifty persons gathered there to hear what they might have to say. After the evangelists had spoken, the aged Mr. Chou arose and said: “ I am convinced that the Lord Jesus is the Saviour of the world, and these gentlemen have come over a thousand 11 to bring us this message of salvation." (A Chinese “ Li” equals about one third of our mile.) "If my

lage by the name of Wang Chia- Tsui, the leading man of the village being Mr. Hu Hsin. He had heard about the Biola Evangelistic Band and had be­ come convinced that they were doing a good work, so when word reached his ears that they had crossed the river he went out on the street, met them and invited them to come to his large house and preach; at the same time he passed around the word to as many of his neighbors as possible with the result that over seventy persons gathered in his spacious gUefet hall to hear the Gospel. Mr. Hu seemed to be like Zacchaeus of old,— he was deeply moved by what he heard, and after the addresses were finished he arose and . said: "I have determined never again to involve people in law suits and so oppress them. I shall attend the Gospel services as often as possible, believe in the doctrine preached tonight, and seek from the Lord forgiveness of my sins.” Future events proved the sincerity of Mr. Hu’s words. The Simplicity of Preaching On another day a Mr. Wang, fifty years of age, came with his little son, a youngster of eleven years, to the headquarters of our Band. After a long talk about the Gospel he said: “ I am in business in a mountain vil­ lage some thirty miles from here. \

What better investment could be made—for time and eternity — than by supporting these Bands in their great work o f evangel- ising China .

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