King's Business - 1926-08

August 1926

T H E K I N O ’ S B U S I N E S S


FRIDAY, 27 Saints resolved to offer. "Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, 0 Lord, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name.'"— Psa. 18:49. Pray for Hie King’s Business and its min­ istry. SATURDAY, 28 Abound in faith unity. "Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abound­ ing therein w i t h thanksgiving."— Col. 2:7. Pray for your Pastor. SUNDAY, 29 Offer Sacrifices of. “ I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and

will call upon the name of the Lord." Psa. 116:17. Pray that public wor­ ship may be genuine. MONDAY, 30 Magnify God. “ I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving."— Psa. 69:30. Praise and adore His Holy Name. TUESDAY, 31 Should Enter His Gate. "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name."— Psa. 100:4. Pray for Pocket Testament League of China.

all for Jesus Christ, who, through His wonderful love which led Him to the cross, saved me from my sins. Then, as I look back over my whole life, I can see God’s hand leading step by step. I had the privilege of being brought up in a Christian home, for which I am most thankful. I had often thought of the mission fields in the years past, but didn’t really expect that I would get there myself. Two years ago, the Lord led me in a very definite way to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles for training. Meanwhile, I looked to Him to open the way into just the work that He wants me to do, and now He has answered my prayer, calling me into definite work in Mt. Lebanon, Syria, under the Bible Lands Gospel Mission, which is a faith mis­ sion, and I am trusting Him to provide the necessary means that I may sail the first of September. I feel so unworthy of the great priv­ ilege that is mine. Pray that I may be wholly lost in Him as I go out to tell the wonderful story of His love. Further information about The Bible Lands Gospel Mission— Mr. and Mrs. Vartan Atchlnak, General Direc­ tors— may be obtained by application to Headquarters, 113 Fulton Street, New York City. HI HI AN APPEAL TO AWAKE The Liberals of the Episcopal Church recently held a meeting in St. Stephen’s Church, Philadelphia. They were loud and outspoken in the de­ fense of their rationalistic teachings. While we oppose modern rationalism, we at the same time respect their out­ spoken frankness. They are not at­ tempting to say peace, when there is no peace. They openly state their posi­ tion, and while they attack the historic Christianity, yet they are open about it. This is more commendable than the practice of those who loudly pro­ fess to be evangelical and straightway give their support and affiliation to those who would destroy that faith. The recent combination of events, consisting in an attack upon the sanc­ tity of the Sabbath by professed Chris­ tian ministers, the attack upon prohi­ bition in an age of licentious drunken­ ness, the loud demands of the modern­ ists at-the Missionary Conference, the formal meeting of the Episcopalian Liberals, the appeal of the 97 minis­ ters, old and young, in the Presbyter­ ian Church to the Commission of Fif­ teen for loose subscription to the Stan­ dards of the Church, and other demon­ strations against the faith once for all delivered to the saints, and the ex­ plicit law of God given on Sinai and endorsed by Christ, all these combined and occurring within a month or more, surely constitute a loud call to all faithful evangelical believers to awake and to resist their onslaught against truth and righteousness. Surely this is no time for sweet words and fair speeches, not for soft pedaling and soft stepping. It is a time for unity and vigor of action, and failure to do this means disloyalty to the Captain of our Salvation. The C h u r c h must awake or be overthrown.— The Pres­ byterian.

Tw o New Missionaries

for the Holy Land

who will sail (D. V .) September 1st, under the auspices of the Bible Lands Cospel Mission

N answer to the prayers of the workers in the field, and friends in the homeland, the L o r d has laid upon the hearts of these two splendid young women— graduates of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles— the burden of missionary service in the land where our Lord lived and where He laid down His life for a lost world. Miss Ogg is the daughter of Rev. W. D. Ogg, pastor of the First Congre­ gational Church of Eureka, California. Miss Renkel’s parents were for many years officers in the Salvation Army. Both are girls of fine Christian charac­ ter and experience, calculated to make the very best kind of missionaries. The following testimonies from them speak for themselves: Miss Ogg’s Testimony I praise God for the wonderful love and goodness that He has bestowed upon me. I thank Him for Jesus Christ, who, by His death and resur­ rection made possible my salvation and life everlasting in Him.

I thank God, too, for the Christian training I have had in my home, where my parents always taught me by ex­ ample and precept. God directed me two years ago to enter the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles for further train­ ing. It was here that God made plain His will that I should go to some mis­ sion field. I was willing to follow Him and do His will and had thought of other lands, but I had not consid­ ered the Bible Lands as a field where I would like to go. B u t God very definitely put before me the need of this mission field. I am very happy and glad to say that I have been accepted as a missionary by the Bible Lands Gospel Mission, to go to Mt. Lebanon, Syria. I am looking to the Lord for the means and trusting Him to supply the needs, so that I may sail by the first of this coming September. Please pray that I may be a blessing to the people who know not the Lord. Miss Henkel’s Testimony I have so many things for which to praise the Lord. I praise Him first of

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