King's Business - 1926-08

August 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Power in prayer depends on our re­ lation to God. John 16:7. God, the Infinite Being, is the one who answers prayer. He is Omnipotent. The im­ portant thing is to be so in harmony with Him that our prayers will be answered. Note carefully the follow­ ing verses: Psa. 66:18; Isa. 59:1-3; John 9:31; Matt. 6:23, 24; 6:12, 14, 16; Prov. 28:9; 21:13-; 1 Pet. 3:7; Matt. 6:6; Job 35:12, 13; Mai. 3:8- 10; Jer. 11:9-14; Ezek. 8:15-18; Mai. 1:6-10; Jer. 14:10-12; Jas. 1:6, 7; 4:3. We cannot come too often, if we are right with God. He does not grow weary of our prayers. Sir Walter Raleigh asked a favor of Queen Eliza­ beth, to which she replied, "Raleigh, when will you leave off begging?” “ When your Majesty leaves off giv­ ing,” he replied. So long must we con­ tinue praying. Jer. 32:27; 33:3; Eph. 3:20; Rom. 4:21. “ More things are wrought by prayer Than this world dreams of.” — Tennyson. AVGUST 20, 1026 How Can We Make Business Thoroughly Christian 1 Timothy 6:17-19 The quickest and most practical way to make business thoroughly Christian is to get the business men right with God, then their business will be con­ ducted according to Christian stan­ dards. God works through men, not institutions, and if the men are right, what they do will be right. Conduct follows character. A Business Man’s Experience “ I am a business man at the head of a corporation. I lived, as men describe it, a moral life. I was a good neighbor, a loyal friend, and social club fellow. At the close of the busi­ ness day I went to my club or hotel, drank a few cocktails or highballs with my friends and went home to din­ ner. Just an average type of thou­ sands of business men. “ I was raised In a Christian home, went to Sunday school and church, and at an early age professed ‘religion.* As I grew older and got away from home influences I became careless, but now and then there would come a hunger in my heart for something I had once possessed, a real sense of loss in my life— a yearning for something I did not have.” (Then follows the story of his real surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ, in response to the pleading of the presi­ dent of another corporation.) “ It has not impaired my business usefulness one particle. On the con­ trary, I have been more successful since I made this decision than I have been for years. I am resting on the promise, ‘Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass’ (Psalm 37 :5 ), which He has fulfilled in a marvelous way. “ After making my decision for Jesus Christ I went back to my office and told my closest associate what I had done and what my intentions were for the future. He looked steadily into my eyes, grasped my hand and said, 'I am so glad. I ).ave been think- (Continued on page 485)

The King’s Business is planning to pub l i sh e v e r y month on this Page a chorus similar to that shown herewith. Th e s e choruses are already v e r y popular with the young people. They have a vivacious rhythm which makes a distinct appeal. G et y o u r Society singing this one and they will look forward eagerly f o r th e succeeding ones. This is one of 62 appearing in a new book compiled by Her­ bert G. Tovey and pub­ lished by the Bi o l a Book Room.

I Beloni to Jesus.

twenty-five times concerning the Lord Jesus. No characteristic of His earth­ ly life is more marked than His prayerfulness. Psalm 6:3; Heb. 6:7; Mark 1:36; Mark 6:46; Luke 6:12; Luke 9:18. Every step of His life was accompanied with prayer. He prayed in behalf of His Father. John 12:28; 13:14; for Himself and for His own disciples and for His enemies. He prayed with great earnestness, Heb. 6:7; in perfect submission to the Father’s will, Matt. 26:42; with sim­ ple trust and with thanksgiving, John 11:'41, 42. He spent whole nights in prayer, Luke 6:12. He prayed that God might be glorified, John 17:1. He often prayed alone, at other times with a few, Luke 9:28; and sometimes be­ fore great crowds, Matt. 14:19. Our Pilot in prayer is the Holy Spirit, Jude 20, 21; Rom. 8: 26, 27 R. V.; Eph. 6:18. He helps us in our weakness and ignorance, and guides us into a life of prevailing prayer. If we utterly depend upon the Holy Spirit He will be our pilot in all the problems of prayer. An ignorant or­ phan boy, who didn't know how to read or write, but simply knew his A-B-C’s, heard a preacher say that if anyone prayed to God in time of trouble He would send help. Thp boy was having a hard time, wanted to learn to read, etc., so one day while out caring for the sheep, he got down on his knees behind the hedge, saying over the alphabet. Someone over­ heard him and leaning over, asked him what he was doing. He said he was praying. The man replied, “ That isn’t praying.” The boy said that he didn’t know Just how to pray but thought if he named over the letters of the alphabet God would take the let­ ters and put them together in a prayer. So, if our prayer comes right from the heart, the Holy Spirit takes these sin­ cere desires, though foolishly prayed, and makes real prayers of them. The Pivot of prayer. All prayer must revolve around the honor and glory of God.' To bring glory to His all-glor­ ious Name must be the center of every petition.

ship “ Central America” was badly crippled and sinking, when another ship drew near (this was at night) and offered assistance. “ Will you not stand by till morning?” asked the cap­ tain of the disabled ship. "I will try,” was the /dply, “ but you had better send your) passengers on board now.” “ Stand by until the morning.” In the morning, the captain and the crew and most of the passengers had found a grave in the deep. And this through delay. Christians are constantly wast­ ing opportunities to praise God, to con­ fess Christ, to press home to the hearts oi men the claims of Christ, to wit­ ness for Him. There are countless op­ portunities about us to glorify God and to minister to the needs of mankind, yet how many of them we waste t h r o u g h carelessness, Indifference, selfishness and lethargy. “ God has His best things for the few Who dare to stand the tezt: God has His second choice for those Who will not have the best.. “ It is not always open sin That risks the promised rest: The better sometimes is the foe That keeps us from the best. “ There’s scarcely one but vaguely wants In some way to be blest: It is not blessing, Lord, I seek, I want Thy very best. pi “ I want in this short life of mine, As much as may be pressed Of service true for God and man: Help me to give Thy best.” — Selected. AVGUST 22, 1026 Bible Teachings About Prayer Phil. 4:6, 7; Heb. 4:14-16 Prayer is the greatest force that God ever placed within the reach of man. All that has ever been done for God in this world has been done through men and women of prayer. Our Pattern in prayer is Jesus Christ. In the Gospels the wordfc “ pray” or “ prayer” occur at least

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