King's Business - 1926-08


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

August 1926

Miss Esther MacDuff, ’ 15, who has been teaching in the American P re s ­ byterian M i s s i o n at Meji Gaknin, Tokyo, Japan, is home on furlough. She visited the Institute before return­ ing to her home in San Bernardino. Miss Altabelle Heller, ’ 19, who has been taking. Post Graduate work at Nyack, was called home to attend the funeral of her sister. Miss Heller has lost her mother and two sisters in less than two years. Will you not pray that God may bless and comfort her at this time. 0 Mrs. Edith Norvell

ALUMNI RE-UNION The Alumni Re-union of 1926 was a real home-coming, with a gathering in of the sons and daughters of dear old B. I. from all parts of the world. B. L. Lichtman, ’ 17, and Orval J. Kirk, ’ 18, with his wife, came from Africa. Mr. and Mrs. Ford L. Canfield, '18, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Scoville, ’ 18, told of their work in China. Mary Hall, ’ 17, spoke o f the need in Japan. And Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sickcl (nee Loree Cutright, ’ 18), Mr. and Mrs. Don Turner (nee Faith Hollingsworth, ’ 21), and Ruth McCahan, ’ 19, repre­ sented three different countries of

COMMENCEMENT The Sixteenth Annual Commence­ ment of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles was held from June Eleventh to June Fifteenth. Without doubt this was the finest Commencement ever held in our school. Attendance at all sessions was large, programs were car­ ried out in fine order. The Alumni banquet and rally in point of attend­ ance was the largest in our history. Everybody was Bmilingly happy and supremely grateful to God for these evident tokens of His favor. Diplomas were g i v e n to one hundred and twenty-nine young men and women. In connection with

t h e graduation exer­ cises of the Bible In- s t i t u t e , K e i t h L. Brooks, secretary of t h e Correspondence School, reported that during the school year 16 5 Correspondence School certificates had b e e n Issued to stu­ dents residing in 26 states, also A l a s k a , Canada, England, Ha­ waii, New Zealand, British West Indies, Ireland, China, Africa, and Korea. Thus many who have not been able to attend either the day or e v e n i n g s c h o o l departments, have b e e n receiving the Bible teachings as they are given in the Institute through the mail. These have also

Thomas, ’ 24, is now l i v i n g in Toponas, Colorado, and writes happily about her baby boy, Vernec Jack, born November 12th. She is enjoying the B. I. radio programs. ’’The radio was a Christmas present from my hus­ band. Just to be able to hear B. I. makes me so happy, for it was there I really learned to trust Him in all things.” — o— Miss L a r a Hixson, ’ 26, has just received word that she has been elected to teach Bible in the schools at Gra­ ham, Texas. This posi­ tion was formerly held by Miss Della Evanson,

’ 24, who has been called into other work. Miss Hixson will have the priv­ ilege of teaching Bible each week to more than seven hundred school chil­ dren from six to twenty years of age. May God bleBS her as she undertakes this new work at the opening of school in the fall. — o — Della Payne, Montezuma, N. Mex., ’ 25, is attending College at Monte­ zuma, and writes: ” 1 am getting along well in my studies. I am hoping to finish next year. - Then I want to go to the University of Arizona for a year or so. Africa looks a long way off yet. My King’s Business has just come today and I have had a real feast reading it. I look for it anxiously and even count the days until it will come again. I love B. I. and pray for her often. I really live there as much aB 1 do here.” Many of you will remember Mrs. Josephine MeAnils (sister-in-law of our Mrs. McAnlis) who was at the In­ stitute as a student 1924-26. She,

South America: Argentina, Venezuela, and Bolivia, respectively. At 2:30 P. M., June 14th, a large group of Alumni met for a concert in the Lyceum Club Room, followed by a pleasant business session and a social hour. At 6:30 more than two hundred and fifty sat down to the banquet tables, and later all adjourned to the ninth floor roof garden, which was decorated with Japanese lanterns for the occasion. A blessed time of fel­ lowship in testimony and music fol­ lowed, and then we all gathered once more about the Lord’s table, where we were served by those who had come from the far corners of the earth. —Written by Ruth McCahan, ’ 19. m GENERAL NEWS Miss Hope Hepburne, ’ 25, who has been taking the year of medical work at the National Bible Institute, New York City, is spending the summer with Miss Maggie Potter, ’ 24, at Lang- bank, Bask., Canada.

been benefltted by other privileges of • the Correspondence School, including answering of their Bible questions and advice in their spiritual problems. A new feature introduced into the Correspondence School the past year was the giving of assignment work in keeping with the Correspondence School idea. Each student has been made a member of the League of the Golden Pen, which requires him to write at least one letter of helpfulness a month, to some person undergoing trials or bereavement, or to win the unsaved. Each letter is to carry some helpful tract and to be backed up by prayer. As an incentive to the stu­ dent to do regular work, a Bible study magazine has been published monthly, and each student who sends in work at least once a month receives the cur­ rent issue of the magazine without cost, and failing to report during the month, loses a number. Eight correspondence courses are offered, the prices ranging from f l to |5. Studies are adapted to all ages and classes. Mr. Brooks would be glad to send full information to all inquirers.

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