King's Business - 1926-08

August 1926

T H E . K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


mind chastened and refined by Chris­ tian experience and prayerful medita­ tion. (Christian L it Society, India) The Peril o f Unbelief, and The Dan­ ger of Doubt, by D. L. Moody; and Moody the Evangelist, by Joseph B. Bowles, a character sketch with orig­ inal sayings of the great Evangelist. Two splendid little pamphlets. (B. I. Colportage Assn.) 10c each. Where Christ Has Not Gone, by¡Don Carlos Janes, preacher and author. This booklet gives a vision of Chris­ tian lands as contrasted with the cheerless, hopeless, homeless heathen lands, revealing something of the dreadful conditions among these un- reaChed people. 26c Jonah's Critics Criticised, by W. Hoste, B. A. Dr. Hoste handles the critics under eight beads and leaves them standing "on their heads.” Read this little pamphlet and you can do likewise. Is God Self-Limited, by the same author. A sane and satisfactory ex­ planation of Philippians 2:7 and Mark 13:32, and of the harmony between Christ’s Deity and His humanity. Dr. Hoste is so well known in England that it is unnecessary to say more than that these books are published by The Bible League. 10c each. God’ s Dispensations, the Key to God’s Revelation, by Luther Arthur, Pastor First Baptist Church, Hunting- ton Beach, Calif. A practical resume of the Seven Dispensations from a Biblical viewpoint. Mr. Arthur is a graduate of the Bible Institute of Los AngelOs and a forceful preacher. 36c Christ or the Critics; Whom Shall we Believe? by Alex Marshall. A practical revelation of the position of the enemies of the Bible in School and Church and a definite proof of the infallibility of the Word of God. Busy business men will find this little book­ let invaluable. (Pickering & Inglis) (3d net) 10c The Truth About the Higher Criti­ cism and Modernism, by Wm. Wood Smyth, Fellow of the Medical Society of London. Dr. Wood, in a brief, con­ cise, practical manner, adduces iner- rant proof of the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch which crumbles the foundations of Modernism. (Marshall Bros.) ( 1 / net) 40c The Deadly Parallel, by George E. Dowkontt, M. D. An analysis of two containers, one labelled "Poison” (Tom Paine’s "Age of Reason," the old abuse of the Bible), and the other labelled "The Modern Use of the Bible,” by Dr. Fosdick. One depicts himself in his true colors— an Infidel. The other poses as a true Christian, while subverting all that constitutes true Christianity. We could earnestly

A Treasury for Teachers, by John Gray. Original Sunday School lesson studies and practical points for busy workers and Bible students. (Picker­ ing & Inglis) ( 2 / net) (76c) The Quest of Three, a Story of True Success, by Esther E. Enock (1/3 net) and Given in Exchange, by Grace Pett- man ( 2 / net). Two interesting story books with good, evangelical teaching. (Pickering & Inglis) Setting the Course, by Alex. Mar­ shall. A series of stories edited by Mr. Marshall, containing striking inci­ dents and telling anecdotes, valuable to the evangelist, preacher and teacher. Fully illustrated and well worth read­ ing. (Pickering & Inglis) Back to the Old Trail, by Janet M. Inglis. It has been the author’s desire in this story, to show that spiritual laws obeyed bring order out of chaos, and vice versa. Commended by Dan­ iel A. Poling, President of the United Society of Christian Endeavor. (Evan­ gelical Pub. House, Cleveland, O.). $1.60 The Menace o f Mormonism, by A. F. Gray. Mr. Gray has sought to state fairly and frankly the doctrines and practices of the Mormon church. His object is to enlist sympathy for its followers who, like the followers of all other false cults, must live and die without the salvation provided by our Saviour. (Gospel Trumpet Co.) Things to Come, by Mrs. Ghosn-el- Howie. A unique paraphrase of Scriptures concerning the premillen- nlal coming of our Lord and the restoration of Israel, arranged with a selection for each day of thé year. The author is a favorite contributor to the Sunday School Times and is now living in Palestine. (Covenant Pub. Co., London) (2/8 postpaid) $1.26 The Bible Reader’s Companion, a Story of the Bible. A complete and valuable account of how the Bible grew, the languages in which it was originally written, its authenticity, the integrity o f the text, the manuscripts, and an account of the ancient and modern versions. Ten plates, most of them photographs of rare documents in the British Museum in London, are Included. (Oxford Press) 60c (Paper). b o o k l e t s a n d p a m p h l e t s How Shall We Escape? by Richard Carroll. This booklet aims to set forth God's plan of salvation and the awful consequences of neglecting it. (Weir Bros., Chicago) 10c> At the Master’s Feet, by Sadhu Snndar Singh (Translated from the Urdu by the Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Parker). This is the production of a

A M od em C lassic Against Modernism THE L E A V E N OF THE SADDUCEES, OR THE OLD AND NEW APOSTASIES By Ernest Gordon Mr. G o r d o n is widely known as a writer, and read­ ers of The Sunday School Times have been greatly edi­ fied by his contributions to that splendid publication. This new book is of the Lord. It is without question designed for this day. In eight chapters Mr. Gordon reviews the teaching of Modernism, contrasting and comparing Modernism and Unltarianism, and revealing Modernism as the new Unltarianism. The subject is treated under the following chapter headings: (1) The Unitarian D efection In New Knulnnd. (2 ) Christian Missions and Unitarian Mis­ sions. (S) The Good W ork s o f Unltarianism. (4 ) Unitarian Scepticism and U n i t a r i a n Schemes.

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