King's Business - 1926-08



weekly, send In your name requesting the same and your name shall be placed on our mailing list. We wish that all who believe that God does “ give life also to your mortal bodies through his Spirit that dwelleth In you” (Rom. 8:11) would pray for the health of our faithful worker, Miss Goff, and also for two other ladies in our department. £ n THE SOUTHWEST BIBLE AND MISSIONARY CONFERENCE will be held at the foot of Mt. Elden, four miles east of Flagstaff, Arisona, August 3-16. The teachers this year will be Rev. Norman B. Harrison, pastor of the James H. Brookes Memorial Church, St. Louis, Mo.;- Rev. Stewart P. Mac- Lennan, pastor First Presbyterian Church, Hollywood, Cal.; Mrs. H. Nor­ ton Johnson, of San Francisco. Mr. W. A. Hlllis will have charge of the morning devotional period, and Rev. John Dolfin, Muskegon, Mich., will , conduct classes for the natives. Individual tents, 10x12, are rented for 83.00; 12x14, $3.60; canvas cots for fifty cents each. A cot can be rented In the Men’s or Women’s Dor­ mitory, without bedding, for $2.00. Single back rooms in dormitories, $8.00 each; front rooms, $10.00. T *o room cottage, $20.00. This Is for the conference season. Bring warm cloth­ ing for evening comfort, with a supply of bedding, towels, soap, etc. Come for a season of real Bible study In the mountain coolness and quietness, surrounded by God’s great out of doors, where you will be re­ newed in body and spirit for the war­ fare of the valley. The Conference will be preceded by a three weeks "Summer School of the Bible,” when Instruction will be given to Christian workers and to Indian converts, both In English and in the native languages. Classes for young people and children will be arranged. Any further Information desired may be obtained from Mr. F. G. Mit­ chell, Ganado, Arizona.

summer, And for other reasons, It has been decided best not to attempt to resume these meetings during the hot months of July and August. The Street Meeting The street meeting which is held by our “ Jewish street-team” has con­ tinued faithfully through the past months, and under God will continue ■ through the summer, according to present plans. The Lord has honored the ministry of His word In these various meetings, and a number of Jewish people have openly confessed their faith In Christ as a result of them. God always honors His Word when it is given out faithfully and backed up by believing prayer, for which fact we praise God and take courage. Classes Among the Jewish boys our Bible class known as the “ Knights of Honor Club” Is continuing with good inter­ est. This class meets every Monday night In a private home and is blessed of the Lord. The Lord willing, it shall continue during the summer under the efficient leadership of our faithful “ Bill Graves, Knight in charge.” Re­ cently another field for another such class among the boys has been opened up, and by the help of the Lord we expect to begin this second class of boys In another Jewish district. Our two classes for Jewish glrlB conducted by Miss Cederlund Is being blessed of the Lord. Recently five Jewish girls confessed Jesus openly as Lord and Saviour. At present we are praying concerning the advisability of starting another class for these Jewish girls, conducted on the principles of a Daily Vacation Bible School. During the last week of June these classes were given a picnic at "Syca­ more Grove Park,” where the children not only enjoyed Innocent amusement and fed the physical man, but where they had the privilege of hearing the Word of Life, for which fact we thank God. Visitation Work Since the Commencement of the Institute most of the students have returned home, hence our force doing visitation work during the summer has been very greatly diminished, but the students and workers who have re­ mained are faithful and true, doing what they can, and God Is blessing the work. Cottage Meetings We are continuing the use of the lantern In connection with Biblical lectures given In the homes of Jews who reQuest such lectures. At present we are having more calls than we can possibly fill. These cottage meetings are one of the most efficient and effec­ tive ways of doing Jewish Evangelisa­ tion work. Pray Dear Reader, let us insist upon the fact that our work is entirely depend­ ent upon the faith prayers of those who know God. As stated before, the department Issues each week a prayer- sheet on which Is listed Items for praise and blessing and answera to prayers, and also requests for definite prayer along certain lines. If you de­ sire to receive one of these sheets

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