King's Business - 1926-08

August 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Do You Know?

Crusaders Arraign Modernists

built tht Ark? was the first Christian martyr? were the Samaritans?

This appeal comes with added force from a Christian layman who is investing his own funds in a loyal effort to defend the Word o f God and save the boys and girls of our lapd from the shipwreck of their faith.

Send for this 5-minute Bible Test F R E E Are you satisfied with your knowledge of theBible—themost interestingbook in the World? See if you can answer the questions in our free 5-minute Bible Test. The ten Moody Bible Institute Home StudyCoursesgive you the Bibli­ cal knowledge necessary for the most perfect daily religious life. They are non-secta­ rian and there is one suited to the needs from the beginner to the advanced Christian. The wonderful experience o f 34,000 men and women students is waiting for you. Find out from this free test if your Bible knowledge is what it ought to be. Mail coupon now. MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Dept.420C 153 Institute Place, Chicago, 111. Moody Bible Institute Dept. 420C 153 Institute Place, Chicago, 111. Please send me, Free, your 5-Minute Bible Test. No obligation. Name________ _____ — ----------------------------........ | Street and N o:____________i---------------------------- I City........-------------------------------- --------------------- | State____________ — ..................—,— .... - J P A S T O R ’ S C O L L E G E Special announcement to Bible Institute of Los Angeles graduates Funds hare been provided the Northern Baptist Theolog­ ical Seminary for the purpose of establishing the Pastor's College with the object of preparing those who expect to enter the Baptist Ministry for that service. Institute Graduates can receive a diploma from this course in one year. The particular subjects apart from those already named are Baptist Principles. Baptist History, Baptist Polity, Baptist Missions, and such other' subjects as are actually essential for Baptist pastors to have. Every teacher positively evangelical. Fall terra opens September 17th, 1986. Address PRESIDENT GEO. W . TAFT, 3040 Washington Blvd., - - Chicago, 111. Bl ■ ■ 4 Octavo .Doublé Reed

Canada and other countries, a list of Fundamentalist, institutions and re­ ligious publications which our people can support. Please write your sug­ gestions for this list. Fourth, we summon to this sacred and reciprocal pledge of loyalty every preacher,- editor and teacher who is a “ Defender of the Faith,” to stand to­ gether, shoulder to shoulder like the "old guard” (Just as the Modernists do, from bishop to preacher and lay­ men), and then press the issue at every point, with the spirit of ’ 76, for cur loyal press, pulpit and institu­ tions. We must do this without fear, favor or faction, giving no quarter and asking none, and .proclaim from press and pulpit the imperative importance of this Christian Crusade. Let us unite and challenge the world. Fifth, we also appeal to all true laymen to form a Fundamentalist League in every evangelical church to stand like Spartans by every ortho­ dox preacher whose Gospel message is the “ old time religion,” and peremp­ torily dismiss e v e r y rationalist preacher, or traitor to the faith, who proclaims evolution as a substitute for the Bible. Such a man in such a pulpit is perpetrating a spiritual fraud more serious than "selling goods under false pretences.” Send us a list of Leagues, officers and pulpit changes for publication in "The Crusaders’ Champion.'” The spiritual integrity of our churches, the unqualified defense of our loyal preachers, and the urgent need of eliminating the Satanic teach­ ing of Evolution from our public schools, with their 32 million stu­ dents, all demand that we immediately arouse and marshal the Christian and patriotic forces of America to unite with us in this mighty Crusade. The hour has struck. Will you respond to this call to the colors— preachers, teachers, editors and people? If so, we urge you every­ where to write us frankly about your local conditions. Send us news items for "The Crusaders’ Champion” and your views of this righteous uprising, We want to keep you posted on the vital issues and news of this battle for the faith direct from the firing line. George F. Washburn, Director General. Clearwater, Fla.

m m |N the name of Christ and the Bible, with abiding faith in God, and encouraged by our two victorious campaigns in Florida and Mississippi, I now, as the duly elected successor to the great Bryan and as Director Gen­ eral of the Bible Crusaders of Amer­ ica, appeal to the 80 million Funda­ mentalists of America to stand as a solid phalanx against 'the Satanic in­ vasion of rationalism and infidelity that is sweeping over the nation. More than this, you must assist us in achieving five great objectives if we would avoid the complete break­ down of Protestantism in America: First,,we appeal to you to send your boys and girls, and give your money and legacies to our own loyal institu­ tions of learning rather than to the Modernist colleges of -the nation, and thereby save these young people from becoming agnostics or atheists. With­ out funds and students from Christian homes, many of these Modernist insti­ tutions could not continue a single semester. We should no more give our youth and our money to these agnostic institutions than we would to the saloons of former days. While the saloons degraded the body, the agnostic colleges imperil the soul. Then why not build up our own insti­ tutions instead of those of our enemy? Think it over. Then act. Second, we again appeal to you to support to the limit, by subscription and otherwise, our religious and sec­ ular press that is loyal to the don- trines of Christ and the Bible. This is your imperative duty as a Christian. Third, we urgently appeal to such religious and secular publications to unswervingly stand by and defend our loyal educational institutions and Mis­ sion Boards, and herald the good news of this crusade to the world. To this end, we will publish free of charge in our official organ, "The Crusaders’ Champion,” which reaches every state,

In order to' introduce our Latest Modal U b a rty Pipe-Tone Folding Organs oitnor leatherette covorod. or 3-ply oak casa. We will accept for e limited time orders at $40.00 aach (Hat price I70.00J, A. 1. WHITE MFG. CO. 200 Eagtewood Ave., Chicago, IB.

TRAINING SCHOOL FOR CHRISTIAN WORKERS. (INTERDENOMINATIONAL) ’ Prepare* Young Women for Christian Leadership Tba courae of Instruction Includes: Bible Study, Churob History. Christian Mis­ sions, Psychology and Pedagogy. Organisation and Administration of Beliglous Edu­ cation, Pageantry. The Art of Story filin g . Worship and Music, Hygiene nod Health, Practical Experience In Church and Mission Work. Under the auspices of Woman's Branch, N EW YORK OITT MISSION SOCIETY Miss Elisabeth Billings, First Directress Mrs. A. F. Schauffler. Honorary Chairman of tbs Board of Managers Mrs. Stephen Baker, Chairman School Committee For further Infoi nation address MISS CHARLOTTE A. PORTER. Dann 7 Orameroy Park. New York City

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