King's Business - 1926-08



T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

August 1926

Do You Know These Books? JESUS THE MISSIONARY. Price $ .70 Most Chins Missionaries know It. Frequent orders come from India, and some Institutions in the U. 8. use It as text-book. One Mission made it the rule that every young missionary should have a copy. One lady bought six copies for Christmas presents. All missionary work should be modeled on that of the Lord. DEMONISM VERIFIED AND ANALYZED. Price $1.38 Ernest Gordon discovered it through a scurrilous review, and wrote In the 8. 8. Times that the "study leaves no doubt as to the fact of Satanism." Griffith Thomas wrote that "The effect of the whole presentation la to bring overwhelming conviction that In many heathen lands demonism Is a fact." Leander 8. Keysar wrote of It aa "an eye-opening and mind-compelling book." The leading scientists of the world. Morton Prince, Lewellys F. Barker, Adolph Meyer, helped In the prepar­ ation of the book and wrote strong testimonials as to the scientific value of these studies. CHRIST OR BOLSHEVISM. Price $ .20 Goes to the root of Modernism, showing it to bo a deeply laid plot, by undermining faith In the Bible, to overthrow all Christian governments, and destroy the Christian home-life. The above hooks may be ordered from The Presbyterian Committee of Publication Sixth St., Richmond, Virginia, or from the author. Rev. Hugh W. White, DJ>., Yencheng, Klangau, China Prices In gold, with postage included. ' ILLUMINATING THE B IBLE ’ S HARDEST BOOK "For the first time in 30 years of Bible reading. Revelation has become a book sys­ tematized and articulated," writes a British physician after reading Jamas H. McCon- key'e "Book, of Revelation." "A safe, sane, end orthodox study of the great book for our dispensation,' writes an American minister. Sent absolutely free. Address SILVER PUBUSHING SOCIETY D*pt. M, B m h w Building, Pittsburgh. Pa. NEW TESTAMENT GREEK Prepare by Home Study to interpret and teach the New Testament, apd understand the interpretations of others. A working knowledge of thq Creek New Testament la obtainable by our method of instruction. Courses in TT\pology, Religious Educa­ tion, Art of Preaching Without Notes, Sociology, Child Welfare, Child Psychol­ ogy, Rhetoric, Short Story Writing, Ar­ gumentation, Bible, Philosophy, History, and in 50 other subjects are given by correspondence. Enroll any time. Degrees granted. Catalogue free. POTOMAC UNIVERSITY 22nd Year. Dept. 11. Washington, D. C.

[ Iowa Christi an Fundamental s Association

Young Peoples' Sec'y,

General Secretary, A. C. Huston 2737 Des Moines St.,Des Moines. Iowa Bible Study Secretary, Miss Elin Falk 1607 E. Ninth St., Des Moines Iowa Conference, Bec'y, Bev. W . C. Berggren Polk City, Iowa

: President, Rev. A. D . Mohr Monroe, Iowa

Rev. 8. M. Gladstone,

Lone Rock. Iowa

Treasurer. Dr. D. W . Roberts 507 8outh*n Surety Bldg.,

1st Vice Pres. Rev. DeW ltt White Des Moines, Iowa 2nd Vice Pres. Dr. J. W. Tibbels Panora. Iowa

Des Moines. Iowa

Editor, M e . John M. Dunkerton

915 40tb Plaça, Des Moines, la. ,

Saviour, and Eternity alone will re­ veal all the fruits of their wonderful ministry. The ministry was of a practical nature for the heart and conscience of believers rather than for the intel­ lect, exhorting to godly living and vfit- nessing for the Lord more earnestly as we see the day of His return ap­ proaching. Three hundred students of the Com­ munity Bible Classes received certi­ ficates for completing one year’s Bible study on the Pentateuch. Seventy students were awarded diplomas granted by The World’s Fundamentals Assn., the Iowa State and Des.Moines Bible Assn, for completing four years’ Bible study in the Community Bible Classes under the direction o f Dr. Frank A. Case, whose outline is used. Over one thousand were enrolled in these classes during the past two years. The following officers for the Iowa State Assn, on Christian Fundamen­ tals were elected for the coming year: President, A. D. Mohr, of Monroe, la.; 1st Vice-President, De Witt White, Des Moines; 2nd Vice-President, Dr. J. W. Tibbets, Panora, la.; Bible Conf. Secretary, Walter Bergren, Polk City, la.; Young People’s Secretary, S. M. Gladstone, Lone Rock, la.; Treasurer, Dr. D. W. Roberts, Des Moines; Gen’l Secretary, A. C. Huston, Des Moines; Bible Study Secretary, Miss Elin Falk, Des Moines; Editor, John M. Dunker- ton, Des Moines. Executive Commit­ tee: R. R. Percy, Ames, la.; W. L. Duncan, Des Moines; Miss Alice Rod­ dy, Lucas, la .; P. F. Arney, Marshall­ town; H. A. Orcutt, Des Moines; F. A. Case, Des Moines; Mrs. B. F. Carroll, Des Moines. The Executive Committee of the Des Moines Bible Assn, voted to secure the services of H. A. Ironside for next year’s Annual Conference if the church has not been caught up for the “ Meeting in the Clouds” before that time. They also voted ‘ to secure “ Bob” Shuler of Los Angeles for a Bible Con­ ference when he can be secured. ¿He. m A? Dr. John J. Wicker sailed on June 14th on the S. S. Braga in charge of a large Christian cruise to Palestine, Egypt and Europe. j The Wicker Tours have secured p e S. S. Sinaia for their next summer’s cruise, which will sail about June 20th, 1927, and for anyone contem­ plating a visit to the Holy Land under the best auspices this should be wel­ come neftB. H i m Now turn to Inside front cover and read our interesting announcement.

Iowa Christian Fundamentals Assn. Notes The Iowa State Assn, and the Des Moines Bible AsBn. held their Annual Conferehce in the Highland Park Pres­ byterian Church in Des Moines from June 13 to. 17. Harry A. Ironside of Oakland,/Cal., and Louis Talbot, pas­ tor of Oliver 'Presbyterian Church of Minneapolis were the teachers. Large congregations listened intently to the powerful addresses of these two stal­ warts of the Christian faith. One young woman accepted Christ as her Do 'You Want a M ^ K n i ï V? HERE'S YOUR BIG CHANCE TO DO BOTHI Read this latter received frem P. 0 . Juried. We are sure It will eeavlaee you ef the earala« power at The Syeteai Bible Study. man who desires to work up in permanent and prontaoie business. I find the work very pleasant, wholesome and inspiring. It is a great satisfaction to be a member or an organization where co-operation is not only preached but practiced." * UNIQUE SALES AND PROMOTION PLAN The System Bible Study is a whirlwind seller. And every sale means a huge profit to you. Our Unique sales plan makes sales easy; you build a real business for your­ self. In addition we have a systematic method of promo­ tion for you that is unique in the Direct Selling field. Write To-day and Get the FACTS Tou will find them extremely interesting. And you will get FACT8 only— no exaggerated statements. Write today. The System Bible Ca.. Dept. 800. 209 S. State St., Cblcaoe IF A BRAKEMAN ■lip* when jumping aero» moving cars, it mean*— DEATH. Railroad men lead dangerous, lonely lives, and thousands are dying without Christ. So we publish the Railway Gospel New* and send it over the lines. It is SOUND in the Faith; full of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus, premillennial. Fundamental, and gotten up in a way that appeals to railroad men. We urgently need subscribers; Would you like to have fellowship with us? Subscription $1.00 per year. JENNIE BALDWIN SHELLEY, Southern Pacific Railroad, Wabuska, Nevada THE DANCE EVIL Six-par, tract— Oraataat thins jpObUtlMS— History of Orlrin— B j whom— when— — Harm done and doing today— 11.00 par 100—S4 copies 50 cts. (no stamps). Pratastaat Tract Haase, M il Palmette • Talada, Ohle Ardent Fundamentalist B u t. Washington; experienced stenographer, secretary, pianist. Available September. Miss M .O .. i /o 101 Witherspoon Bldg.. Phila.. Pa. "During my first 228 day s work with you, I made an average dally profit of $24.48. For the week (6 day«) ending October Slet. 1925, my average dally profit was $40.99. These figures are based on the discount rate at which I began selling The System Bible Study. Since that time I have earned and received increases in commission rates that have made my actual profits much more than the figures quoted above. Tour plan of Increasing commissions makes your proposition especially attractive to the ambitious sales-

Over 50,000 Churches uae. I Shallow glass, no tipping I of heed. Self - Collecting I Cushioned trave and others. I Catalog and Trial free. A 1

large church writes, “We had other outfit» on trial. Had no hesitancy In selecting yours.** Thomas Cemmuwlon Service Co. Bex 042 Una, OMs

ONEYy&'YOU —or for your Church— representing os la selling Christian Life Calendars, Christ­ mas Greeting Cards, Scriptural Mottoes. Bibles, Books, etc. Christian men and women, ministers and Gospel Workers; full or spare time— big profits assured. GOSPEL TRUMPET CO.

D«pt K. B.

Anderson, Indiana

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