King's Business - 1926-08

August 1926



DO YOU KNOW THAT THE TENDRILS OF CATHOLICISM ARE TWINING ROUND THE HEART OF AMERICA? Chicago’» million visitor» from all parts of ths world corno soaking the Pops’s blessing •ft great Eucharistic Congress, Juna 21 to 24. 1 b response fto inquiries ns fto wheft ift all means» Dr. James 11 Gray, President of the Moody Bible Institute, contributes an article in the August issue of tne MOODY INSmUTE MONTHLY ENTITLED THE WORSHIP OF THE WAFER OR The Protestant's Answer to the Eucharistic Congress It || a revealing and convincing article based on the authority of the Scriptures. Send 50c fbr special 4 months subscription to begin with this special Issue. Year's subscription $2.00. Single cppy 20c.

. Where are the “ social leaders” lead­ ing? Many a man’s obituary is read in the divorce court. In order to secure a good husband, a wife must give her life. The products of peace are always secured by fierce fighting. Never write a letter you would ob­ ject to having read in court. Wheq you sing your own praises, you are apt to strike too high a note. — o— A “ middle-of-the-roader” is sadly muddled in these days of congested traffic. If people would only profit by their mistakes there would be many million­ aires. Which is more desirable— to talk without thinking or think without talking. Every “ flivver" must keep to the right or there will be nothing left to speak of. ■ O --- The wedding day must come and it must go; then the walk together is for weal or woe. It takes a big broom to clear the churches of clerical trash, and big brooms are scarce. If some boys had been privileged to choose their fathers, they would have been better boys. “ Day-light saving” would mean more to some men were it not for the “ dark night sowing.” The difference between a "high­ brow” and a “ low-brow” lies in the force behind the forehead. “ The evil that men do lives after them”— because it is sown so deep and cultivated so systematically. The lads and lassies may frame their “ sheepskins” but they will have to use sole-leather to get a job. God has an open door for every man, but how few will take the means which He has provided for finding it. Many men are not content with what they have, but what they have is oftentimes more than they deserve. - "”0 — When memory fails in every other respect, most people can remember all the unkind things that have been said about them. Doctors of divinity can so maneuver their messages that It is difficult for the hearers to tell where they stand, other than on the platform.


Moody Bible Institute Monthly, 134 Institute Place, Chicago, 111. Please enter my subscription for 4 months beginning with the August issue. Enclosed find 50c. Date.


(Denominationally Unrelated) RESIDENT FACULTY (Top, loft to right): Profes­ sors L. S. Chafer, Anderson, Spangler, Perpetuo, Carroll, Browne, R. T. Chafer. VISITING FACULTY, Seriatim Bible Courses, one month each: Professors (left) Winchester, Iron­ side, Mackenzie, , (right) Gaebelein, Sutcliffe, Guille. Comprehensive Courses lesding to Th.B. end Th.M. Degress. Special Training In Expository Preaching snd Teaching. Tuition and Room Free. Board at cost. Address: ROLLIN T . CHAFER, Registrar, 1521 Hughes Circle DALLAS, TEXAS

¡3 M i

»■»HE average minister wants to be a sue* 1 cessful pastor, and in *vision ofttlmee he seei the large church which will some day replace the present church edifice. He sees every pew occupied at all services. Your dreams will come true If you se­ cure the help of a parish paper printed by The National Religious Press. Hundreds of ministers testify that our parish paper service has been the means of building up their churches and filling empty pews. May we send you full particular« and samples? Does not obligate you in any way. The National Bellgious Press, Grand Rapids, Mich. Send me free of charge full particulars and samples.



C ity.. K. B.

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