King's Business - 1926-08

August 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


B o o k s o f E x ceed in g In te re s t—ju s t now Take at least two of them in your bag as you go vacationing this summer. What Is Fa ith? By J. Gresham Machen The Christian preacher is accustomed to say to inquirers after the way of salvation: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. But it is useless to say that unless one also tells the inquirers what it means to believe. ^This is what the present book endeavors to do ; it en­ deavors to set forth, in the light of the New Test­ ament teaching and in comparison^ with^ recent discussions, the real nature of Christian faith. In particular, it seeks to break down, in the interests o f the intellectual aspects o f faith, the opposition which is so commonly set up between faith and knowledge. But it also seeks to do justice in a positive way to the other aspects of the subject. Cloth $1.75

“God’s Way to a New Reviva l” (Continued from page 446)______

and we are brought on our faces before God with shame and confusion of face as well as genuine sorrow, there can be no revival, but such a conviction will bring us In the second place face to face with our need of a Saviour, and Jesus Christ must be recognized as the only Saviour who can save us from our sin, failure and death. This, of course, means the acceptance of God’s way of salvation and Is a sincere recognition of the fact that we cannot save ourBelves. .If we are to be saved, someone else must save us. There must be a conviction that Jesus can save men and change them. He can actually make selfish men unselfish. He can make unclean men clean. He can make untruthful and dishonest men truthful and honest. He does this through the Cross, and that Is not mere theory but It Is history. It is history as found in the New Testament and also history as we have it down through the centuries of the Church’s experience. That is where Paul’s life was changed and given a new center and meaning. He himself said, ‘‘I am crucified with Christ.” That is the Cross, and It always means the end of the self life. It also means the beginning of a new life and a different kind of life. “ Nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ liveth in me.” That is the beginning of the Christ- controlled life, and that life always begins at the Cross— In fact an honest reading of Church history leads us to the conviction that It Is never found anywhere else. A Cross- less message and theology have never led to a genuine sav­ ing and transforming salvation, but the beginning of this life suggests to us in the third place that God’s way to a new revival means the acceptance of the Kingship and Lord- ship of Jesus Christ as a genuine fact of present experience. If Christ lives in us He reigns in us. Christ reigning in us Is a revival. It not only means a quickened life but an experiencing and fruitful life. It is for God’s people to show the world the reality of this power to save and trans­ form, by letting Christ make the life a fact In our own experience and conduct. That means that Christ must be put first In our thinking and living. It means that If we are saved then Jesus Christ must be put before any self interest or pet theory. He must be put before church or state. All self, church and state interests must be held In absolute submission to His sway. That kind of a life means a center at which a genuine life of brotherhood Is made possible. The realization of this brotherhood life Is the peculiar mark of Christians. “ By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, If ye have love one for another.” Any revival that does not iead to that does not mean much for the individual, the church, or the community In which the church exists. The sentiment and tears that exhaust themselves In making resolutions and going to altars are of very little value In the face of a practical and challenging condition that requires supernatural power to change life, and the changed life must find expression in the real, every­ day contacts with our world, and anything that does not change life so that that experience of brotherhood Is a gen­ uine thing, cannot surely be called a revival from God. God has no way to a new revival except the way of the Cross and the actual reign of Jesus Christ in the lives of men. A real revival results every time men dare to walk this way. Why then should men waste time on, other ways and exper­ iments when we know this way always results in life and victory? A genuine revival always means finding God and going His way.

The Biblical Story of Creation In the Light of tho Recently Discovered Babylonian Documents. By Giorgio Bartoli This now volume by one of the outstanding scientific men of Italy, gives a wealth of technical information from scholarly works inaccessible to most readers of the Bible, yet stands with unwavering fidel- ity for the old faith. This book studies the man­ ner of creation, disproves evol­ ution* brings together informa­ tion from the whole Bible on the cosmic wreck caused by the fall of Satan and hosts of angels with him, and shows that this was the teaching of Jewish writers before Christ, of the Lord and the Apostles, and of the Early Church. Cloth $1.28

Quiet Talks

About the Crisis — and After By S. D. Gordon This book deal* with a »ob­ ject that coneorn* everyone in* tereated in tho welfare of hu­ manity. A» tho author him* self expresses It “ Thera's a crisis heading up—a world crisis. There's a crisis pre­ dicted in the Book of Cod. It will involve tho world's lead* ing nations and be terrtAc to the last degree and apparently be brief. It will be the result of man's use of his freedom of action. Eleven years of intsn* sive study have been given to European history and present conditions. Back of that lie other years of more general study and personal observa* tion. Read what will emerge from this crisis, and wherein lies the hope of the world and the Christian believer. Cloth $1.25

Fundamental C h ristia n ity

By Frances L. Patton Every person who reads this book will feel a thrill o f pride and joy that such a worthy cham­ pion has come to the defense of the Christian faith. Fundamental Christianity is indeed a great book— great in that it sets forth so clearly just what the underlying principles of the Christian religion are. Among the subjects treated are these: "The Theistic View o f the World, The Seat of Authority in Religion," ‘ The New Christ- ianitv," “ The Person o f Christ.” This is a book you will want to add to ypur library. Cloth $2.00 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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