King's Business - 1926-08

The Amazing Story of W. S. Cooper Points the Way to a $200 a Week Income For You nanie is W. S. Cooper. I

Comer Coats are not sold in stores, hut through a local representative. The local representative does not have to buy a stock. He doesn’t have to invest any money. All he does is to take orders from Comer customers —Orders that almost come without asking—and he gets h’s big profits every day for the orders he takes. Many ° f my customers now come to me. I no longer consider it an excep­ tional day when my earnings exceed $50 or $75. There are few business men in this city whose profit is greater than mine, and I can only see unlim­ ited opportunity in the future. You Are Being Offered the Same Opportunity If you are interested in increasing your income from $100 to $1,000 a month, and can devote all your time or only an hour or so a day to this same proposition in your territory, write at once to The Comer Manu­ facturing Company, Dayton, Ohio. They will send you without delay complete information of this wonder­ ful proposition which has enabled W. S. Cooper to average over $5,000 a vear for the past six years. They will tell you how you can earn $200 a week without working as hard as you are now. There is no cost or '•obligation connected with this offer. Just send in the coupon. Do it now. And in less than a week you can be making money faster than you ever believed possible. CHAS E. COMER, The Comer Mfg. Company, DEPT. 166-E • DAYTON. OHIO I J U S T M A IL T H IS NOW I Dept. 166-E, Dayton, Ohio The Comer Mfg. Co. I Please tell me how I can make $200 a week as your representative. Send me I com plete details of your offer without any obligation to me whatever. I Nannie ..................... ........ ............. .... Address..................................................;........

I didn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe that a man could make as much in an hour or so as I was making by eight hours hard work.

J j k l live in ( )hio, and this is a true ** 9 * story about myself. I am writing it because there are thousands of men in America struggling along on starvation wages, just like I was, who can do jus^ .what I did and make . from $5,000 to $10,000 a year. I Was a Wage Earner A short time ago I worked in a fac­ tory. I was not the owner, not the superintendent, not the boss. 1 was a wage-earner. I made as much as the average man and -no more. I was a * slave to my job—no real money, no real future. I couldn’t have raised $100 in cash if my life had depended on it. . Today,' I am a successful business man, with a large income, money, in­ vestments. I have hundreds of fr’ends. I get a lot of pleasure out o fjife . I have no boss. I work just four hours a day and only five days a week. The Curse of a Small Income Please remember that only a short time ago I was practically broke—try­ ing to make a’ meager salary meet the ronstantlv increasing expenses of life. It couldn’t he done. We wanted to live like other people. We wanted some of the luxuries of life. We wanted to buy our overt home. But there simply wasn’t enough money. \\ e were liv­ ing from hand to mouth. It made me almost desperatje -to think -of what • would happen if I becamfe sick or lost my job. And yet, today, I am a big success. Money no longer worries me. I buy what I want and pay cash for it. I travel where I pleas®. I give my fam­ ily the luxuries that every family is entitled lei expect from the head of the family. I Hesitate to say it, for it sounds foolish, put just the other day 1 paid $900 for a diamond ring that I had wanted for a long time. Here’s how the change came about: One day I heard that a man could make from $100 to $300 a month in his spare time in a certain kind of work.

w. s. COOPER lust to satisfy my curiosity, however, 1 investigated. 1 still thought it couldn’t he true, and yet, it might be, and it certainly was worth finding out. I Find Myself I found a wonderful thing. I dis­ covered that instead of making only fmm $100 to $300 a month, men who were doing this work were mak­ ing as high as $1,200 a month—men like myself were easily cleaning up from $100 to $150 a week. When' I look back to that day and realize how close I came to passing up my opportunity, it sends cold chills down my spine. My entire success is due to the proposition that 1 learned about that day. There is no secret to my success. I have succeeded beyond any dreams I may have had a few years ago. And please remember, I consider myself only an average man. Here are the facts: 1 am the local representative for the C o m e r Manufacturing Company. This company manufactures Comer All-Weather Raincoats—the finest coats in style, material and workman­ ship that can be knight anywhere.

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