King's Business - 1926-08


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

August 1926

i W’ - ( h A M ^ ' ^ “ His Name ShalT Be Ca lled Wonderfu l” REV. ARTHUR H. CARTER , D.D. Pastor, Author, Bibit l oacher Dr. Carter, who was the Organizing Secretary of The Bible League, Lbndon, England, now the Pastor o f Hounslow Unde­ nominational Church, and Editor of “ The Bible Witness, is at present on the Pacific Coast ministering to the hearts o f God s people those blessed truths so dear to all believers. It is a pleasure to give our readers this chapter from a recent book from his pen, which so marvelously illuminates the "Wonder­ ful Name of Our Wonderful Lord."

attle o f the war­ confused noise, rolled in blood; be with burn­ l o f fire. For h i l d is born, n is given: and ent s h a l l be oulder : and his be called Won- nsellor, T h e The everlast­ The Prince o f the increase o f ent and peace e no end, upon

" For every be rior is with and garments but this shall ing and fuei unto us a c unto us a soi the governm upon his she name shall l derful, Cou mighty God, ing Father, Peace. Of his governm there shall b i

H DDRESSING the Education Conference at University College, L o n d o n , Canon Barnes, now Bishop of Bir­ mingham, dealt with the subject of “ The Problem of Religious Educa­ tion," his hearers being members oL the Association of University Woman Teachers. The Daily Telegraph, com­ menting on the utterance, remarked: “ Dr. Barnes pleaded earnestly for the modern spirit, for the teaching of re­ ligion in the schools. He had come to the conclusion, he said, that it was highly dangerous to use for didactic purposes such allegories as the crea­ tion of woman, the Daniel stories, a,nd Jonah. ‘It encourages,’ he said, ‘ the prevalent belief that religious people have a low standard of truth* " ! Summarizing his r e m a r k s , Dr. Barnes advanced certain principles for guidance in the teaching of Christian­ ity. “ They could not separate Chris­ tianity from religion in general, and they needed to Inculcate no contempt of other faiths, but the superior wis­ dom and greater moral power of that faith of ours which came from Christ, and to which our civilization at pres­ ent owed such spiritual unity as it now possessed. Further, they could npt isolate Christianity from modern thought, and in particular they could not assert the fherrancy of the Bible. . . . . . They must also with Darwin teach the biological doctrine of evolu­ tion, the development of life on this earth through ten millions of years. . . and finally, the emergence of man from gome ape-like stock. . . In the Old Testament wete also to be found folk­ lore, defective history, half-savage morality, obsolete forms of worship based upon primitive and erroneous ideas of the nature of Qod and crude science. . . . It seemed to him better to postpone the Old Testament part of religious teaching to the later stages;

the throne o f David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The seal o f the Lord o f hosts will perform this ." Isaiah 9:5-7

otherwise children would learn stories like that with which the book of Gen­ esis opened which they would after­ ward discover to be untrue." That such Blatant Rejection of the Fundamentals of the Christian faith should be per­ mitted by one of the great dignitaries of the National Church of England passes comprehension, and only tends to show how deep-seated is the mod-

miraculous creative power from the side of her sleeping spouse, becomes the fair betrayer of their holy trust, and the war that raged between the powers of light and darkness now finds its vantage ground in the corrupt heart of fallen man. Well might the elements moan around that scene, once fairest of all on earth, but now besmirched and cursed by sin. % The Book o f Genesis records these facts in language so simple that even a child can under­ stand, and it behooves us, as custod­ ians of such a vital truth, to lose no opportunity of Imparting such knowl­ edge to the infantile mind and heart. But the Scriptures do not leave us face to face with the conflict without re­ vealing the way of deliverance. Sal­ vation from the consequences of sin and the doom of the lost will be the portion of everyone whose trust is in the Lord. Satan may rage and gloat over the fearful havoc he has wrought, but a way has been cleaved for the soul that trusts in Christ, and ultimate deliverance is as certain as the eternal Throne of God itself. Shivering in Their Shame Jehovah comes with tenderest pity and clothes the guilty outcasts. Blood has been shed, sacrifice has been made, and on the ground of substi­ tutionary atonement our first parents were again able to commune with the Lord they had so egreglously sinned against. But the raging of Satan had

Dr. Arthur H. Cattar

ern disregard for the veracity of Holy Scripture and the authoritative state­ ments of our blessed Lord. Ever since that fateful epoch when Satan, fallen through pride, hurled himself against the wisdom and al­ mighty power of the Throne of God, conflict has raged unceasingly between the forces of evil and the righteous rule of Infinite Authority. The Garden of Eden became the scene of intrigue, and, eventually the battle ground whence rebellious man, inoculated with the spirit of evil, was driven forth by the mighty hand of God. The Creature, seduced by the arts and wiles of the great Adver­ sary, turned against his Creator and must needs suffer the extreme penalty of the Divine law. Woman, God’s chosen companion for man, taken by

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