| Cherries—California |
ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator Enhances Cherry Fruit Set ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator for California extends flower viability, increasing the opportunity for fruit set to occur. For best results, use ReTain in advance of poor pollinating conditions (cool, wet weather, desiccating winds and/or low bee activity) or on varieties with low natural fruit set. Extends flower viability by reducing early senescence Increases potential for fruit set under low bee activity Effective on low-setting orchards and varieties (Bing, Brooks, Coral, Chelan, etc.) How To Use Rate 1 pouch per acre (333 grams or 11.7 oz per acre) Method Apply by ground with orchard sprayer Spray Volume 100 gal/A (usually sufficient) Adjuvant Not recommended Timing Apply at 15–20% bloom REI 12 hours ReTain Maximizes the Harvest Potential of Your Cherry Crop Application at bloom of ReTain at 1 pouch/A (11.7 oz) in 100 gallons per acre showed significant increases in fruit set across multiple locations and years. Two-Year Study Evaluating the Performance of ReTain to Impact Cherry Fruit Set Year 1 Fruit/LCSA (cm sq)* Year 2 Fruit/LCSA (cm sq)* Location Variety Treated Untreated Percent Increase Location Variety Treated Untreated Percent Increase Arvin Brooks 22.69 4.16 445.4% Patterson Brooks 65.73 37.64 75% Arvin Tulare 7.54 4.25 77.4% Patterson Coral 54.26 43.58 25% Patterson Brooks 11.92 2.57 363.8% Arvin Brooks 72.68 22.05 230% Patterson Brooks 16.83 10.67 57.7% Arvin Brooks 26.61 14.61 82% Patterson Coral 2.13 0.92 131.5% Arvin Tulare 36.20 13.63 166% Patterson Coral 7.69 10.67 54.4% Arvin Tulare 13.52 6.97 94% Visalia Sequoia 15.09 0.98 1439.8% Arvin Brooks 34.66 6.92 401% Lodi Bing 13.50 9.81 37.6% Arvin Tulare 6.86 4.29 60% Arvin Brooks 6.55 2.04 221% Arvin Tulare 2.75 1.67 65% Arvin Brooks 35.19 16.99 107% Arvin Tulare 38.61 13.46 187% Arvin Coral 32.28 12.88 151% Firebaugh Brooks 3.24 0.96 238% Firebaugh Tulare 4.12 2.45 68% Stockton Jubilee 3.88 1.69 130% *Single limbs from 20 separate trees were evaluated per treatment per trial site Source: Independent grower trials conducted over two years
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