Valent U.S.A. Sustainability Product Guide Book

Labeled Rates/8-oz Bag of Regiment

0.2 oz/A = 0.4 oz/A = 0.5 oz/A =

1 x 8-oz bag to 40 acres 1 x 8-oz bag to 20 acres 1 x 8-oz bag to 16 acres

0.6 oz/A = 0.67 oz/A =

1 x 8-oz bag to 13 acres 1 x 8-oz bag to 12 acres

Regiment Grass and Weed Control Programs Reference Guide 1. Early Postemerge Pre-Flood Rice: a. Rice must be at the 2-leaf stage b. Regiment use rate: 0.2 oz/A c. Tank mix partners: Bolero®, Facet, Command®, Prowl® d. Weed spectrum: 1- to 4-leaf barnyardgrass (non-tillering), 1- to 4-inch indigo, coffeebean, smartweed, etc. e. Use Command or Facet tank mix if broadleaf signalgrass is present Follow this early postemergence treatment with: a. Regiment use rate: 0.5–0.6 oz/A b. Tank mix partner: Ricestar® HT, Permit®, Grandstand®, Facet, Bolero, etc. c. Apply to rice at the 3- to 6-leaf stage, prior to fertilizer and flood d. The addition of Ricestar HT can improve control of bearded (loose head) sprangletop 2. Late Postemerge Pre-Flood Treatment (Cleanup): a. Regiment use rate: 0.5–0.6 oz/A

b. Tank mix partners: Ricestar HT, Permit, Grandstand, Facet, Bolero, etc. c. Apply to rice at the 3- to 6-leaf stage, prior to fertilizer and flood d. The addition of Ricestar HT can improve control of bearded (loose head) sprangletop 3. Post-Flood Treatment: a. Regiment use rate: 0.6–0.67 oz/A b. Use appropriate tank mix partner as needed c. Apply prior to green ring 4. Pre-Flood / Post-Flood Split Application: a. Regiment use rate: 0.5 oz/A b. Apply prior to flood

c. Follow with Regiment at 0.5 oz/A post-flood 2.5 to 3 weeks after pre-flood treatment but prior to green ring d. Good to use in situations with marginal soil moisture that drought stresses weeds and grasses and delays permanent flood. First application will knock down labeled weeds and grasses. Second treatment will take them out. 5. Application with Clearfield®—Newpath Production System: a. Regiment use rate: 0.2 oz/A on 2-leaf rice; 0.4–0.5 oz/A on 3-leaf rice to green ring with Newpath

b. Use 0.2 oz/A rate on 2-leaf rice for coffeebean, indigo, smartweed <4 inches c. Use 0.4–0.5 oz/A on rice >3-leaf for coffeebean, indigo, smartweed >4 inches

Products That Work, From People Who Care ® | | 800-6-VALENT (682-5368) Always read and follow label instructions.

Products That Work, From People Who Care is a registered trademark of Valent U.S.A. LLC. Bolero and Regiment are registered trademarks of Kumiai Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Clearfield, Facet, Newpath and Prowl are registered trademarks of BASF. Command is a registered trademark of FMC Corporation. Dyne-a-Pak is a registered trademark of Helena Holding Company. Grandstand is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. N-Pak and Rivet are registered trademarks of Winfield Solutions, LLC. Permit is a registered trademark of Nissan Chemical Industries, LTD. Phase is a registered trademark of Loveland Products, Inc. Ricestar is a registered trademark of Bayer. Soysurf is a product of Jimmy Sanders. Triple Play is a product of AgXplore International, LLC. ©2017 Valent U.S.A. LLC. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 2017-REG-8001 LF 6/17



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