Valent U.S.A. Sustainability Product Guide Book

Timing Flexibility Because of its unique activity, mode of action and pest spectrum, Esteem provides greater application timing flexibility than early-season OP chemistries, and it can be used at any two of the following four application timing choices: Timing Crop Pests Special Instructions No. 1 Delayed- Dormant–Pink Apple Leafminers Apply at peak moth flight for control of 1st or 2nd generation. This usually occurs at pre-pink to pink apple stage for 1st generation and 2nd cover for 2nd generation.


Rosy Apple Aphid

Apply at ½-inch green apple growth stage

Apple Pear Stone Fruit

San Jose Scale

Thorough coverage is critical to control

No. 2 Petal-Fall and In-Season

Apple Pear Apple Pear

Coding Moth Apply at Biofix plus 100 degree days

Leafrollers For suppression of summer generation, target 4th–6th instar larvae or about 550–650 pandemis leafroller degree days or 250–300 obliquebanded leafroller degree days

Apple Pear Stone Fruit

San Jose Scale

Thorough coverage is critical to control. For control in- season, time sprays when scale crawlers first emerge. Use with a superior oil for added control.

No. 3 (West of the Rockies)

Apple Pear

Codling Moth Biofix plus 350 codling moth degree days. This is the timing for the delayed first cover if an ovicide is used at Biofix plus 50–150 degree days ( Esteem ) or at Biofix plus 200 degree days (1% oil). This strategy calls for a tank mix of an ovicide ( Esteem ) plus a larvicide. Codling Moth To control 1st generation, apply at Biofix plus 100 degree days and 2nd application 14–21 days later

No. 3 (East of the Rockies) No. 4 Pre- and Post Bloom

Apple Pear


Pear Psylla

Esteem has ovicidal activity against pear psylla eggs. For optimum results, two applications bracketing bloom (clusterbud and petal-fall) are recommended. Esteem should be applied just prior to peak viable egg lay. Delayed-dormant applications of oil and/or Surround® will improve the ovicidal activity of Esteem by both delaying and synchronizing psylla egg lay. There must be at least 14 days between Esteem applications.

Products That Work, From People Who Care ® | | 800-6-VALENT (682-5368) Always read and follow label instructions.

Esteem and Products That Work, From People Who Care are registered trademarks of Valent U.S.A. LLC. Centaur is a registered trademark of Nichino America, Inc. Movento is a registered trademark of Bayer. Surround is a registered trademark of Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc. ©2019 Valent U.S.A. LLC. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 2019-E35-8002-R1 PM 3/19



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