Valent U.S.A. Sustainability Product Guide Book

Senstar Crops and Pest Summary Use Information for Arizona Crops Pests Rate (fl oz/A) Use Information Citrus Fruit

Aphids, Asian citrus psyllid, California red scale, citrus leafminer, citrus thrips, mealybugs, purple scale, snow scale, whiteflies Aphids, black scale*, brown soft scale*, codling moth*, Italian scale*, olive scale*, lecanium scale*, mealybugs, phylloxera, San Jose scale, walnut scale, whiteflies Aphids, diamondback moth*, onion thrips (larvae)*, swedge midge, whiteflies

16–20 Ground application: 200–1,500 gal/A spray volume according to the size of the trees.

Do not apply within 10 days prior to bloom, during bloom or until petal fall is complete. Do not apply more than 20 fl oz/A per application or more than 40 fl oz/A per year. Do not make more than two applications per year. Minimum interval between applications: 21 days. PHI: 1 day. REI: 24 hours. Do not apply until after petal fall. Do not apply more than 18 fl oz/A per application or more than 36 fl oz/A per year. Do not make more than two applications per year. Minimum interval between applications: 14 days. PHI: 21 days. REI: 24 hours. Do not apply more than 10 fl oz/A per application or more than 20 fl oz/A per crop season. Do not make more than two applications per crop season. Minimum interval between applications: 14 days. PHI: 7 days. REI: 24 hours. Do not apply more than 10 fl oz/A per application or more than 20 fl oz/A per crop season. Do not make more than two applications per crop season. Minimum interval between applications: 14 days. PHI: 1 day. REI: 24 hours.

Tree Nuts

12–18 Ground application: 100–400 gal/A spray volume.

6–10 Aerial application (2(ee) Recommendation) : minimum of 5 gal/A spray volume. Ground application: 10–50 gal/A spray volume.

Brassica (Cole) Leafy Vegetables

Fruiting Vegetables

Aphids, leafminers*, psyllids, Western flower thrips (larvae)*, whiteflies

8–10 Aerial application: 3–10 gal/A spray volume. Ground application: 10–50 gal/A spay volume.

Leafy Vegetables

Aphids, diamondback moth*, leafminers*, Western flower thrips (larvae)*, whiteflies

8–10 Aerial application (2(ee) Recommendation) : minimum of 5 gal/A spray volume. Ground application: 10–50 gal/A spray volume.

Do not apply more than 10 fl oz/A per application or more than 20 fl oz/A per crop season. Do not make more than two applications per crop season. Minimum interval between applications: 14 days. PHI: 14 days. REI: 24 hours.

*Suppression only

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