2025 YSI_Catalog

Grade Level(s)

Min/ Max

Event Name


In this two-hour workshop, Girl Scouts will explore the sky's connection to animals, humans and the environment and will learn how to protect our world's air from pollution. During this 1 ½ hour journey workshop, Girl Scouts will learn about nature and how to keep it healthy while they plan a Take Action project for the environment in their community. * Leadership award activities are the responsibility of the troop leader after their workshop. * During this two-hour journey experience, Girl Scouts will learn about the importance of the air we breathe. They will also explore the science behind wind and plan a Take Action project that will impact the air in their community. * Leadership award activities are the responsibility of the troop leader after their workshop. * During this two-hour journey experience, Girl Scouts will learn the science behind energy in our world and how to decrease our usage to help the environment. They will also plan a Take Action project that educates the public about environmental issues affected by energy. * Leadership award activities are the responsibility of the troop leader after their workshop.

Sky Badge Workshop



Between Earth & Sky Journey



Breathe Journey



Get Moving Journey




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